Budget Friendly: Natural Hair Care

This budget friendly natural hair care guide will fit right into your budget whether you are unemployed, college student, intern, living on a fixed or low income, a struggling single mom or just plain ole cheap; trying to take care of their hair while spending less. I have compiled a few budget friendly natural hair care regimen that will match right into your budget and have you taking better care of your hair at a very low cost, no more excessive spending on hair care items. If you consider yourself as a part of this list or simply just looking for new techniques then read more to learn how to care for your hair on a budget. 

To Cleanse the Hair: DIY African Black Soap Shampoo

African Black soap is good for the entire body. It can be used to deep clean the hair from impurities as well as for dry skin and acne scars. To lower the ph level of the black soap simply add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or pure Aloe Vera. Black Soap is available to be purchased online, at local health stores or beauty supply store. The authentic black soap comes in a huge chunk of brown and cream. Before purchasing black soap ensure to read the label to identify that you are purchasing the pure black soap. For best usage cut the black soap into smaller chunk sizes and allow it to sit overnight in warm water.

How to make African Black Soap Shampoo


1 cup of filtered water

1 tablespoon of liquid black soap

1/2 tablespoon ACV or 1/4 cup of pure Aloe Vera gel

Tea Tree (preservative)

Coconut Oil (optional)


  1. Shave or grate the African Black Soap into smaller pieces
  2. Add warm water to transfer the Black Soap to liquid form
  3. Let it sit until dissolved 
  4. Add Aloe Vera and oils (optional)
  5. Stir mixture and store in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator 
  6. Shake before each use.

Hair Tip: Always follow up with conditioner after washing hair.

For softer and more manageable hair try this home DIY hair deep conditioning treatment. These ingredients are probably sitting in your kitchen cabinet already. You won’t have to spend an extra buck. 

DIY Hair Deep Conditioning Treatment

2 tablespoon of pure honey
1/2 cup filtered water
2 tablespoon glycerin
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 egg yolk


  1. Blend honey, egg yolk, water and glycerine mix until combined. 
  2. Pour olive oil in until the mixture becomes smooth.
  3. Place on wet hair and allow to sit for 30 mins. Rinse hair with cold water. 

Hair Tip: After rinsing out the conditioner you will need to add products that will help the hair to retain moisture.

Leave-in Conditioner: Shea Butter and Glycerin

  1. Melt Shea Butter by using warm water
  2. 1 tbsp glycerin to the desired amount melted shea butter 
  3. Blend together until the product becomes creamy.
  4. Apply to hair while soaking wet

Shea butter can be used alone or mixed with another ingredient such as oil for leave-in.

Budget Friendly Natural Hair Care Products for Styling

Do single strand twist or flat twist on wet hair with hair oil (grease) or beeswax. When the hair dries loose to achieve your twist out style with a super definition. 

Flaxseed Gel

Buy organic flaxseed and look up videos on YouTube that teaches how to make your own flaxseed gel. 

Aloe Vera Gel

If you live in the Caribbean most time we will have Aloe Vera plant growing in our yard, or if not they are available for purchase as low as a $1 at any local or West Indian, Latino and Mexican grocery store produce aisle, Walmart and Home Depot also carry these products. One stem can last 2-3 months. Refrigerate leftovers for next use. If buying the Aloe Vera gel check if it’s pure and contains no alcohol. 

Conditioning Caps

As a substitute collect plastic sacks from the grocery store and use it to create a conditioning cap for when deep treating hair. 

I hope you make use of these budget-friendly ideas especially when you are unable to splurge on yourself but still wanna look good and maintain healthy hair. What are you budget friendly natural hair care tips?

What are you budget friendly natural hair care tips? 

budget friendly natural hair care

Budget Friendly: Natural Hair Care

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March 2025