3 Positive New Ways To Think About Beauty

body positivity

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that’s true, but what about how we think of our own beauty? Does the same rule apply? After all, it’s true that we are our harshest self-critics, and so it can be nice to think more positively and open about who we are, and what we look like.

There are many changes taking place in society, as people try to be more empathetic, open and encouraging towards others. Of course, that’s not a general rule, but it does seem like people understand what this means, and its power. So, can we translate this empathetic view to beauty? What if we could think about how we adorn or care for ourselves in the best possible context? What if we did what is right for us, and not what will make us look like someone in a magazine cover? Of course, the real secret here is to achieve that state without having to disparage the woman in the magazine cover, because that helps no one either.

So – let’s consider three perspectives we can curate for the best body and beauty positivity.

Body Positivity Is Essential

Body positivity is essential! It’s important to note that in 2020, you don’t have to conform to a certain type to feel like you’re worth it. This was always true of course, but it’s more true now that these perspectives are finally beginning to get mainstream appeal. This is especially important for the minds of developing young men and women, who often seek to emulate that which is celebrated around them. So, if your idea of beauty doesn’t encompass body positivity (note, this doesn’t mean ignoring self-care), then it’s likely faulty.

Let Your Natural Self Shine!

Culture is also starting to demand that our natural selves are good enough. For instance, women of colour with 4c hair or darker skin tones have often been left out of the equation where good adornments are concerned, and it took Rihanna and her makeup line to show how catering to everyone is not just nice, but crucial if we hope to understand what true beauty actually is. Let your natural self shine. Odds are there’s more to love about yourself than people give you credit for.

It’s About Self-Respect

Do you hope to manage your beauty to impress others? Well, perhaps sometimes. But it’s also true that self-respect is an essential part of caring for yourself. Beauty is self-care. It helps you feel confident, look good and taken care of. But more than that, it shows that you’re worth it. It’s a means by which you can feel as though you’ve made an effort. It’s a supplement, not a replacement for who you are. That kind of thinking can help you truly understand your worth, and the worth of others, no matter their definition of beauty and how they choose to apply it.

With this advice, we hope you can think of beauty in three new and exciting ways.

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