3 Simple Cellulite Busting Tips

We all have to face facts that cellulite happens to the best of us. That doesn’t change the fact, however, that most of us hate it and wish the darn stuff would magically disappear. We all know, however, that sadly it’s just not that easy.

We are inundated with fancy and expensive creams claiming that they can eradicate our orange peel skin within a few weeks. We’ve tried them and they just don’t work. So what next? Is the fight against dimply thighs and bottoms hopeless? Absolutely not. Where expensive creams fail, other more subtle methods prevail, so read on for our cellulite busting tips that actually work.

cellulite tips

Daily Massages & Exfoliation for Cellulite

Body brushing, exfoliation gloves and daily massage are the heart of any cellulite busting regime. Though it may seem like a chore to spend 5 minutes body brushing before a shower or spending 5 minutes in the shower exfoliating your body with an exfoliating mitten, let us assure you, it’s well worth the bother.

Exfoliating, massaging and brushing not only gets rid of dry skin and reveals more youthful, glowing skin, it also works to increase the blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in our bodies. Therefore, investing in a super cheap exfoliating body mitt, body brush or even treating yourself to a full on body massage folsom, is well worth the money. You can even make your own homemade exfoliating lotion with coconut oil and salt, so budget is not an issue. Making sure you are stimulating sufficient oxygen to your body and restoring flexibility to your skin is the best place to start in the struggle against cellulite.


When it comes to truly busting cellulite cardio is king. In a nutshell, the harder you work and the more you sweat, the more fat you’ll burn and the thinner the layer of dimply skin will be in all our typical ‘problem areas’.

Circuit training is one of the top cardio exercises for women looking to firm up those thighs, tums and bums as they offer short bursts of high-intensity exercise, that prove to be much more effective when it comes to burning body fat. That is apparently due to the fact that your body burns carbs when it needs energy but it burns fat during recovery, in order to produce the energy it needs to help your body recover. Therefore shorter bouts of high-intensity exercise prove to be more effective than more long-winded, more relaxed forms of exercise when it comes to smoothing out those ‘softer’ areas that we’d all like to see gone, once and for all.


Chugging those glasses of the good stuff is one of the easiest ways to bust cellulite. Drinking two litres of water a day will keep the skin hydrated and will flush out all the toxins that accumulate from an unhealthy lifestyle. Keeping skin youthful and fresh all starts with what we put in our bodies and water is the pinnacle daily driving force in achieving the gorgeous skin we all desire.

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March 2025