For decades, cosmetic surgery has progressed from less invasive treatments to more natural-looking, long-lasting outcomes. When it comes to cosmetic surgery, a facelift by Dr. Miguel Delgado is more artistic in its approach than ever before, aiming for results that will elegantly complement the patient’s distinctive appearance.
Despite these advancements in plastic surgery, unpleasant assumptions about facelifts are frequently the first thing that come to mind.
To dispel the myths and misconceptions surrounding facelifts, we’ve compiled a list of three surprising advantages you might not have known about:
Make Your Neck Tighter and More Defined.
The skin on your face tends to sag, droop, and wrinkle as you age. As a result of these changes, both men and women may feel older than they are, perhaps decades older than they are.
Having sagging skin around the chin and neck is one of the most prevalent concerns people have as they become older. To mask these features, many patients wear high collar shirts or turtleneck shirts and sweaters.
It’s common for patients to avoid taking photos because of their “flabby” necks. The good news is that this is only a short-term condition that you can fix with a face and neck lift.
Results Give a Natural Look
Many patients who need a facelift are concerned that others may be able to tell that they’ve had surgery done by their appearance. A facelift by Dr. Miguel Delgado helps you look and feel your very best.
His surgical ability and experience allow him to position your incisions in your hairline and seal them painstakingly so that scarring is minimal and unnoticeable. He works to keep your distinct facial characteristics.
No one will know about it if you don’t tell anyone that you’ve had a facelift. Instead, they’ll assume that your new look is the product of a good diet and proper sleep. The end effect is a younger, more natural version of oneself, without the “surgical” appearance.
Get Rid of Many Aging Signs
This natural aging process causes a wide range of look and texture changes to the face and skin as everyone gets older. Along with aging, sun exposure, smoking, and stress may all adversely affect the skin.
You may have a younger-looking face and neck with a facelift procedure that targets numerous indicators of aging. If you have drooping skin, deep wrinkles between the nose-mouth area, wrinkles that extend to the chin, a double chin, and extra fat, a facelift might be all you need.
Final Thoughts
Facelifts are a frequent cosmetic procedure with excellent patient customer satisfaction. If you’re in excellent health and know all the dangers and benefits of facelift surgery, it’s a good idea.
Facelifts by Dr. Miguel Delgadocan can help you get the smooth, young skin you desire in the mirror every day. When you visit him, you may learn more about the operation, the problems it might address, and how it may be able to help you achieve the look you desire.
A facelift might be all you need to rejuvenate your look and complement other cosmetic operations you may consider.