We are all looking for ways to expand our minds. While many people believe that exploring the world is the best approach to expand your mind, if you are looking for cost-effective ways to increase your knowledge there are so many ways for you to expand your mind. So let’s show you some simple ways for you to become more of a mental juggernaut.

Increase Your Focus
Focus is one of those important things that we can neglect. It’s a skill that we need to practice constantly. One of the best ways to do this is to train your brain to focus on something by forcing it to pedal faster. One of the best ways for us to do this is to play games, specifically, online racing games because it can help us to acclimatize to a certain speed. You can also do this when you are reading by ensuring you use a pacer. In fact, this is one of the best ways to increase your reading speed. You might think that you need to focus more on each word by reading slowly but, in fact, you can help your focus by putting a pen underneath each word and forcing yourself to go that little bit faster. Think of how many more books you’d be able to read in a year! In addition to this practice, the incorporation of supplements into your wellness routine, such as polvo de aceite MCT for example, can help to reinforce brain functions. Such supplements support the production of ketones in the body, which helps you to stay mentally focused throughout the day.
Spend Time With Insightful People
We are always the product of our surroundings. If we want to be more insightful, we’ve got to start hanging around with insightful people. It can be intimidating to hang around with people who have far-flung theories, but you have to remember that it’s not about being made to look stupid but it’s about ensuring that you start to contemplate new ways of thinking.
Learn a New Language or Instrument
If you want to expand your mind, you’ve got to give your brain a workout. Learning a new language is one of the biggest workouts for the brain. As language forces you to learn new structures and ways of describing things, naturally it has a positive impact on your brain’s neuroplasticity (the way the brain creates new connections). Those who speak more languages are generally more mentally flexible but they can also concentrate better and have better working memory. The same applies to learning a new instrument. If you have never learned to play a musical instrument, it’s one of the best ways to start thinking in different ways but it also improves that mind-body connection because you are using your hands or limbs. Learning a musical instrument means you are engaging both sides of the brain which can make you better at decision-making and general information processing.
Watch Some Documentaries
There may be plenty on Netflix that you enjoy but documentaries are an amazing way for you to slowly expand your brain into other amazing territories. The website Top Documentary Films has plenty for you to try out. There are plenty of other practices out there but if you really want to expand your mind at home, you don’t need to see the big wide world. Of course, it helps, but if you don’t have the finances, don’t consider this a limitation to your learning.