Planning the wedding of your dreams can be simultaneously joyful and daunting. On the one hand, you feel hopeful imagining the happy future you’re going to build with your partner. But now and then, your mind goes into overdrive and you start dreading all the things that could potentially go wrong on D-day.
What if it starts to rain and you have to shift your outdoor wedding into an indoor setting? What if the wedding cake doesn’t look exactly like what you’d described to the baker? What if the florist gets pink roses instead of white despite incessant reminders? When it comes to wedding planning, there’s no end to the “what ifs”.
But, it’s important to not let the stress and anxiety overwhelm you. Otherwise, you’ll end up feeling physically exhausted and emotionally drained even before the D-day arrives. And you’ll miss out on the joy of cherishing the most important day of your life.
Having said that, stress is an inevitable offshoot of the rigmarole that is wedding planning. Here are a few useful tips to help you manage your wedding planning stress:
1. Compartmentalize
It’s easy to get completely preoccupied with planning your own wedding. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself scouring Instagram for the latest wedding decor pictures in the middle of the night. Or you might be window-shopping for wedding dresses in between work meetings. Before you even realize it, you’ll become obsessed with planning the wedding.
That’s why it’s important to compartmentalize your life and assign a specific day or time for wedding planning. For instance, you could schedule meetings with vendors only on the weekends. Likewise, you can set aside a specific hour of the day to browse through designs, seating plans, dresses, country wedding rings for her and other paraphernalia.
2. Ask for Help
No. You can’t host a wedding all by yourself. Even the best wedding planners need an army of assistants to ensure that everything happens according to the plan. In addition to finding trustworthy and helpful vendors, make sure you get your close friends and family members involved in the action. Think of them as your bride/groom squad.
It’s important to break the entire process of wedding planning into small
manageable tasks and delegate individual responsibilities to your squad. Don’t be afraid to let your hair down and relinquish control to a trusted friend on your wedding day.
3. Take a Timeout
Do you think all the planning, scheduling, and organizing is taking a toll on your mental peace? It’s okay to leave all the tasks behind and take a break for a while. Try learning a new skill such as pottery or mandala weaving to take your mind off the stress. Or you could just head over to your best friend’s place with a bottle of wine and enjoy a sleepover.
Better still, take a few days off from work and travel to a new city or country. Or just sit back at home and binge eat your favorite comfort food. The important thing is to do something you haven’t done in a while and steer your focus away from your wedding planning woes.
4. Get Off Social Media
Thanks to the rise of social media, FOMO is a real thing now. The more you scroll through the wedding pictures of random strangers on Instagram, the more you’ll start obsessing over the perfect wedding. Before you know it, you’ll start comparing the minor details of your wedding planning with these pictures.
That’s why it is best to cut down on your social media time a few weeks before your wedding. It’s also important to remember that the glitzy pictures don’t show the madness and frenzy that goes behind organizing a wedding.
5. Share Your Woes
Remember – it’s okay to feel vulnerable and show it. In fact, sharing your worries and concerns with your partner can be more cathartic than you think. Or you could talk your heart out with your best friend. The important thing is to express your feelings and release all the pent up anxiety and negative energy.
6. Get Help from a Psychic
A psychic reading session can be instrumental in preparing you for the
uncertainties on your wedding day. While a psychic reader won’t predict the outcome of your wedding day, they can give you a glimpse of the future. This, in turn, will ease your stress and let you understand the purpose behind whatever happens on your wedding day. It’ll also help you focus on the larger picture and remember why you decided to get married in the first place.
It is, however, important to consult a psychic whom you can trust and open up to. If you’re looking for trusted psychics online, make sure you check their reviews and qualifications before approaching them. You can find more information about psychic reading websites and platforms such as Kasamba in this review.
How did you deal with the nerves of planning your own wedding? Share your tips in the comment section below.