8 Low-Key Things that You Can Do for Self-Care


In the era of self-care, there are now tons of amazing activities that you can do to boost your emotional and psychological well-being. However, it tends to seem like the most popular tricks involve more complicated and grander schemes.

There are actually tons of small things that you can do as a means of self-care. When you don’t have the time to book an appointment at your massage parlor or don’t have the budget for a mini-vacation, you can still practice self-care without a hitch. BTW, according to the pricing website PriceListo, the introductory massage at Massage Heights is only $50 so it should be affordable my most.

What are these self-care techniques that you can do without going all out? Below are some proven effective examples that you can try today.

Get some sleep

Lots of experts want more people to know that sleep can be the best form of self-care anyone can practice. Getting quality shuteye can do wonders for your well-being so it shouldn’t be too surprising that it’s a great way to care for yourself.

While getting better zzz’s isn’t exactly easy, your hard work will pay off greatly. Not only will you be healthier but your mood will also improve and your overall performance will also be boosted.

Go outside

Being cooped up indoors all the time can be bad for you. It will definitely affect your mood and stress levels so sometimes, the very simple act of stepping outside can drastically change your frame of mind.

When you’re already feeling a bit unsettled after being inside for long periods, take a breather and get some fresh air outside. A simple walk around the block of your neighborhood or a stroll to your local park can already do the trick in many cases.

Drink more water

Hydrating your body well comes with a long list of health benefits that some people joke about the act of drinking water is capable of solving all of your problems. While doing so might not really be able to do that, it can still help you get in better shape. Besides, the fact that you know that you’re doing something for your health is already a huge step in caring for yourself so that’s a plus, too.

Do something you love – even for just 10 minutes a day

Most of us are stuck in jobs we don’t enjoy and doing stuff that we don’t particularly want to do. So before you get burned out, you should allocate even just 10 minutes of your day for you to do what you really love.

Some folks spend it on a fun game, others pick up a book, while there are also those who do small projects with their hobbies. Even if you only have 10 minutes a day to do it, as long as you really enjoy doing whatever it is, you’ll already get some satisfaction from your day.

Listen to a song or music you like

Sometimes hearing a particular song or the kind of music you like at a stressful moment can easily lift your spirits up. It can help you turn your frown upside down so when you’re already anticipating your feelings to start become overwhelming, you can also opt to play your favorite song or music to help you cope.

Do nothing for five minutes

When things get hectic, taking a break is a must. This is why giving yourself some headspace and doing completely nothing for at least five minutes is also a form of self-care. Just sit down and do nothing. Don’t even think about the stuff that you need to do. Just do nothing and let yourself restore your peace so you can take on the tasks and challenges you have ahead of you.

Take a shower

Taking a bath is a classic self-care technique but did you know that showering is, too? This time will give you the privacy you need to gather some of your thoughts and enjoy some peace and quiet. So, if you’re feeling particularly overwhelmed but don’t have the time to soak for hours in the tub, a quick shower might already do the trick.

Start a journal

A lot of us tend to get so many thoughts that it sometimes gets overwhelming in our own heads. Writing stuff down can be very helpful as it will allow you to recognize and organize your thoughts. It will help you address your ideas effectively. It will also help you release some pent-up feelings which is always a good thing. Again, self-care doesn’t always have to be grand. It can be a simple thing that can already let you be kinder to yourself and help you manage your daily stressors. Include these eight tips on your daily routine and you might just triumph over stress and find your bearings easily.

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