A Look at Some Unbelievable Facts About Diamonds

Many of us have been fixated by staring at the scintillating allure of a diamond at least once in our life. Unlike the Rhianna song “Diamonds”, these stones do not actually shine; they reflect light. This brings up an important point. Do you think that you know everything that there is to know about these natural wonders? If so, you are likely to be surprised at some of the amazing facts found immediately below.

Is Age Just a Number?

The average diamond is more than one billion years old. So, the stone set within your ring or hanging around your neck is older than the earliest humans, millions of years older than the dinosaurs and in many ways predate the majority of life on the planet. These are some of the reasons why the statement “a diamond lasts forever” is actually quite true. 

The Hardest Natural Substance on the Planet

You might have heard that a diamond is the hardest naturally occurring mineral on the planet and this is absolute. This hardness is the direct result of how the internal carbon atoms are aligned. Interestingly enough, another substance known as graphite is also comprised of carbon. The main difference is that the associated molecular bonds are much weaker. 

A Kaleidoscope of Options

Were you aware that there are times when a diamond may contain impurities which affect its colour? In fact, there are many different shades and some are much rarer than others. If money is no option, you can choose from tones including blue, green, orange, pink, brown, and even black. 

The Largest Diamond in the Galaxy?

Many of us feel that a diamond is entirely unique to earth. Still, we need to remember that carbon is a very common element throughout the universe. This is why it stands to reason that the average comet or asteroid could be packed with such stones. However, a scientist may have truly hit upon the “mother load”. In 2004, they discovered a planet that is made primarily of carbon. They estimate that one-third is comprised solely of this precious stone. On another note, a star was found to be made from diamonds; an estimated ten billion trillion trillion carats. It was aptly named “Lucy” after the famous Beatles song. 

They are called “Ice” for a Reason

Many of us believe that a diamond is referred to as “ice” due to its appearance. However, there is another logical reason. These stones absorb heat from the nearby environment. If you place a large enough diamond on the tip of your tongue, it will actually begin to feel cold!

These are some of the most interesting facts about such amazing gemstones. However, we always need to remember that the ultimate allure is derived from their appearance aesthetic perfection. Do you wish to learn more about other unique qualities or have you been looking to purchase such a stone? The good news is that there are plenty of reputable online dealers who will be happy to answer additional questions.  

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