Air Purifier: How It Keeps Your Family and Home Safe

Finding a large room air purifier is more than knowing that your environment at home will be free from elements that may hamper your family’s health. It is more than air purification or cleaning. Before you jump into buying any purifier on the market, it is imperative to learn how air purifier works.

By doing so, selecting the right product will be much easier. Besides, who would want to waste the investment in a product that does not even work?

Purpose of Air Purifiers for Home

Air Purifier for Smoke

You may already be looking for a whole house air purifier to buy, but found it confusing. This is likely because you do not have much idea about the appliance. Basically, the appliance has the purpose of getting rid of substances in your indoor air, such as bacteria, viruses, pet dander, and dirt among others.

Through this mechanism, your loved ones who are asthmatic or allergic to certain contaminants will be protected. At present, air purifiers are also designed to reduce the hazards of second-hand smoking.

Reasons to Use an Air Purifier at Home

Healthy Office World

There are tons of reasons why you should consider buying an air purifier for your family and home. Apart from its main purpose of cleaning indoor air and removing impurities related to various ailments, given below are justifications to why it is a must-have appliance:

Future Protection. Other families do not consider buying an air purifier for they claim no one is sick in their homes. Nonetheless, have you ever thought of how long before second-hand smoke effects kick in? If you do not want to suffer in the end, you should expose your family to a healthier living without any loophole for airborne diseases.

Home Air Pollution. Surprising it may be, but the outdoor air is sometimes more polluted than the air peripheral to your place. This may be due to the enclosure, causing particles, bacteria, and chemicals to accumulate and regenerate throughout your home.

This is possible if you have a trailer, apartment, or a room staying in. According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there are dwellings that are two to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air.

Widespread Dangerous Pollutants. You can find a lot of pollutants even in your room alone. Hazardous elements in your bedroom include mold, pet dander, pollen, cleaning gases, cosmetics, fungi, viruses, and plastics among others.

What more if the place you are staying in has been exposed to asbestos particles?

Family Protection. Whether you are starting or taking care of an existing family, it has always been advised by doctors to keep chemical exposure low. For instance, if you are pregnant, you should clean your air at home to avoid contact with cancer-causing toxins. Alternatively, if you have children, their bodies are weaker than adults. Thus, you must not trigger airborne diseases in their bodies.

Diseases Management. If you are already suffering from allergies, asthma, or respiratory issues, there is nothing better than managing your problem through purifying air quality. Your system has already been compromised, and things could get worse if you keep on inhaling gas odors, chemicals, and pollutants among others.

Different Types of Air Purifiers Available 

Cool It Air Purification

There are various types of air purifiers with corresponding advantages and disadvantages. However, these categories of the air cleaner all have a single objective – to keep your indoor air from pollutants and substances harmful to the health.

High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA). This is a type of air purifier that could be considered most trusted in filtering small particles. As proven by studies, it could trap as much as 99.97 percent of small contaminants. The amazing thing about HEPA purifiers is its capability to capture substances as undersized as 0.3 microns. Its targets are viruses, chemicals, bacteria, and other pollutants the naked eye cannot see.

However, since it focuses on the undersized particles present in indoor air, large particles will not be able to pass through the filter. Take note as well that it does not trap odors. Most manufacturers of HEPA air purifiers improve their products by adding an activated carbon filter to absorb chemicals, gases, and odors.

Ionizing Purifier. The type of purifier makes use of corona discharge mechanism to create ions, which are charged molecules. The idea of the purifier is to make molecules passing through its filter negatively or positively charged. Either way, the purifier contains dual metal plates, one is charged positively and another negatively.

Consequently, harmful molecules in the air will be attracted to the purifier and get trapped. Otherwise, when particles in the air clump together, they will become heavier. This will result in the elements set out in your indoor air. In any way possible, these pollutants will be removed.

Activated Carbon. This is a technology, which was also mentioned in the first type of air purifier. It provides a space where absorption of elements will take place. Since the 1900s, this type of filter has been used. Among the targets of activated carbon filters are odors, chemicals, smoke, and gases among others. Re-contamination is prevented by the purifier since it does not allow the pollutants to be released into the air again.

Although contamination of air is completely eliminated by the purifier, it is not as effective when getting rid of airborne elements. Additionally, it may not be as efficient in removing contaminants that are far from its location.

Ozone Generator. This is a type of purifier that is almost identical to ionizers. The difference in the appliance is its method of changing oxygen molecules, resulting in ozone. As claimed by the manufacturers of ozone generators, their products disinfect and deodorize the air. However, contrasting studies proved that ozone generators could be harmful. There is the likelihood for it to cause corrosion and metal oxidation.

Even if you know how to clean air purifier under this type, its possible effect of triggering asthma will not be eliminated. It is not about the accumulation of dirt in the device, but rather regarding the amount of ozone it produces.

Ultraviolet Technology. You will commonly find this type of air purifier used with other filtering systems. It has the drawback of not completely purifying indoor air. However, it is highly useful if you want to get rid of virus and bacteria. From the name itself, it makes use of UV, which will be radiated by a lamp. From this procedure, microorganisms in the air will be destroyed.

UV technology is often used as a last filtering stage. There are appliances made to filter hair via HEPA system first, then using activated carbon, and last with UV lamp.

Protecting your family with the present technology gives you more means of mitigating issues in the future. By selecting the right air purifier, your entire living may change from disease-stricken to a vigor one.

If you want to check out top quality products that can keep your indoor air purifier, click here to find out the best air purifier.

air purifier

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in any guest post featured on our site are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of Beauty that walks as a whole.

Author bio: Hi! I’m Kevin, the voice of, blog author, and passionate manufacturing engineer. This space is where I share D.I.Y tips, home stuff, stories of self-care and self-discovery, and resources to help you explore an informed and compassionate relationship with luxury home stuff.

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  • Mike

    February 12, 2018 at 10:37 am

    Good tips and recommendation. I just realize that I should have used air purifier long time ago. Thank for sharing.


    June 21, 2018 at 1:53 am

    that is right i like Air Purifier than air conditioner, good recommendation.

  • SevenStarReview

    October 24, 2018 at 12:49 pm

    Good recommendation. Thanks for sharing.

  • Malisha Mishel

    December 4, 2018 at 4:08 pm

    The article was really helpful for me. I have learned something new from you! Thanks for sharing these tips with us! But, I have a […] Read MoreThe article was really helpful for me. I have learned something new from you! Thanks for sharing these tips with us! But, I have a question. How many days after I should change the filter? I’m changing it after every three months. What everyone thinks? Am I doing wrong? Read Less

  • Jerome Taylor

    December 23, 2018 at 9:38 am

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