Aloe Vera: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It’s a Key Ingredient In New U Life’s SomaDerm

aloe vera plant

Most everyone is at least somewhat familiar with the aloe vera plant. Gardening stores sell potted aloe vera plants, and pharmacies and grocery stores sell aloe vera gel. It’s a popular plant because of its well-known healing properties. Aloe vera is a succulent, which means it has thick tissue for storing water. It grows naturally in many different tropical, semi-tropical, and dry climates.

Alexy Goldstein, the founder of New U Life, explained in great detail how aloe vera supports SomaDerm® as part of a recent interview. During our conversation, Goldstein remarked that “Aloe vera’s many benefits have been known for thousands of years, but now with modern science, we’re able to harness its abilities more effectively than ever. With aloe vera acting as a key ingredient, SomaDerm supports vitality and helps people feel younger.”

For centuries, cultures all over the world have used aloe vera for various medicinal purposes. Civilizations on nearly every continent have benefitted from this plant. While you may be aware of a few things we use aloe vera for in our society today, many people are unaware of just how far back aloe vera’s history goes.

The History of Aloe Vera

The botanical name for aloe vera is “aloe barbadensis miller,” but it’s gone by other names throughout the centuries. The word aloe comes from the Arabic word, “alloeh,” which means shiny, bitter substance. Vera is a Latin word that means “true.”

Archaeologists have found references to aloe vera in 5,000-year-old Chinese and Sumerian writings. The Egyptians referred to aloe vera as the “plant of immortality.” The indigenous South American people, the Jivaro, considered aloe vera sacred and referred to it as the “Fountain of Youth” and the “Doctor of the Sky.” Some people also call aloe plants the “Lilies of the Desert.”

Additionally, throughout history, this plant has been used for healing wounds, keeping skin healthy, treating eye conditions, and preventing hair loss. It might seem too good to be true, but to date, the benefits of aloe vera have been well-documented.

Fortunately, there’s yet more goodness aloe vera has to offer …

A Multivitamin in the Form of a Plant

According to Goldstein, “SomaDerm is made with all-natural ingredients, which contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that support your body’s production of energy. As the body ages, it needs more vitamins to feel healthy, so supplementing your lifestyle with a product like SomaDerm can help you feel better than ever.”

One of the main reasons aloe vera is able to have such reliable healing properties is that it contains more vitamins than most plants. It’s basically its own multi-vitamin. Vitamins A, C, and E are abundant in aloe vera, and each of these has its own powerful benefits. Vitamins A and E are both known for supporting eye health and supporting your body’s immune system.

Vitamin C is an especially valuable component of aloe vera because it is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals. Free radicals are unstable atoms in your body that cause aging and illness. Antioxidants are able to interact with free radicals and prevent them from causing you harm. 

A Great Source of Fatty Acids

In addition to the many different vitamins, aloe vera also contains numerous fatty acids. One of those fatty acids is campesterol, which is important because it balances out the cholesterol in the body. Another fatty acid found in aloe vera is lupeol, which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Noted Goldstein, “One of the reasons SomaDerm is so effective in supporting the aging process is because of its numerous anti-inflammatory ingredients. Aloe vera, for example, is able to decrease inflammation throughout the entire body. Inflammation causes damage to the body’s cells, making them appear to be older than they are. This is why aloe vera is commonly used on the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties prevent skin damage and create a youthful glow.”

Goldstein explained why his company developed a product like SomaDerm, stating, “We created SomaDerm because we believe people should be able to maintain a high-quality life, no matter their age. The natural ingredients in SomaDerm make that possible. It’s exciting to be able to provide people with a way to have the energy to run around with their grandkids, visit with friends, and keep putting energy toward their hobbies and interests.”

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