5 Quick Beauty Fixes To Prevent Monstrous Mishaps

Picture the scene ladies. You have a hot date / big night out / important interview / first day of your new job and you want to leave the house looking flawless. You pay great and painstaking attention to every facet of your appearance from the tip of every strand of hair right down to the shellac on your toes. You’re dashing around loading your purse with all the essential accouterments, and on your way out you take one last minute glance in the mirror to see…

girl sitting in pile of clothes wearing red boots
Image source: Pixabay

Uh oh! Something has slipped through the net. There’s a small but definitely perceptible flaw in your otherwise immaculate appearance. It needs to be corrected before it becomes an embarrassing beauty disaster. Here are the most common beauty mishaps and how to fix them quickly and effortlessly so you won’t be late.

Creased clothes

There are few things more frustrating than noticing unsightly creases in your clothes when you’re just about to step out of the door. You don’t have time to steam your clothes or fire up the iron, but fortunately, a faithful friend can be most helpful in your time of need. Simply switch on your hair irons and set them to medium heat. It’s the perfect way to straighten out those unsightly creases. Remember, if you are using vapor straighteners be sure to buy distilled water as using plain water can shorten the lifespan of the steaming iron! Good hair irons are an essential tool in any beauty arsenal and you can find various brands ranked at http://besthairflatirons.com/. If you don’t already own a pair, you’ve just been given one more reason to invest!

Over conditioned hair
Many of us spend a long time making sure our hair is absolutely perfect, but it’s often not until after we’ve dried and styled our hair that we see the greasy results of over conditioning. Leaving your home with less than perfect hair can damage your confidence so give it a blast of dry shampoo for a shot of instant freshness. It will absorb any excess grease while lending your hair body and texture.

Forehead sheen
If things have gotten a bit frantic while you’ve been getting everything ready before you go you may catch yourself with a little bit of perspiration on your forehead, peeking through your foundation. An extra dab of primer is the perfect way to quickly perfect the matte texture of your foundation even on hot and humid days.

Clumpy Lashes
Nothing can ruin your look like clumpy lashes. They cheapen the effect of your mascara and make your look seem rushed, definitely not the path to making the right impression. This is why you should carry clear mascara with you at all times. Brush out the excess on your lashes, sliding off any buildup on your lashes and buffing them out from there.   

And finally that most hated of all…

acne pimple
Image source: Pixabay


The surprise pimple

That pimple you thought you’d slain before you showered? Surprise! It’s back again, meaner and redder than ever just waiting to announce its presence to the world. Not to worry, you can calm the beast with a dab of natural witch hazel. This natural astringent will alleviate the redness and inflammation so you can go about your day with confidence.

Now that you’ve quickly averted these last minute beauty crises all that remains is for you to get out there and be fabulous!

5 Quick Beauty Fixes To Prevent Monstrous Mishaps
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  • Amanda

    December 26, 2018 at 5:04 am

    This article is a lifesaver! Thanks for understanding our plight. And thanks for these important tips!

  • Lynn Alexander

    January 11, 2019 at 1:52 am

    Really a great article! Thank you for these tips!

  • Sharon

    February 2, 2019 at 5:48 am

    Nothing is as disappointing as that pimple on your face. These tips are surely helpful. Thanks for sharing!

  • Pete

    February 27, 2019 at 10:48 pm

    Thank you for this usefil tip. Thank you for sharing this to us.

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