Beauty to-Dos: Your Skin Check Up

skin care

Want to show the love to your skin, but never seem to get around to it? Read below for our guide to checking up and rejuvenating your skin, one task at a time, inside and out.

Inside Prep

We know that our diet affects our waistline, but a poor diet leads to more than excess weight. Dullness, dryness and premature aging are all linked to how well, or not-so-well the epidermal layer can repair itself.

In addition to drinking ample amounts of water to hydrate the skin, reduce the consumption of additives to help to brighten your visage.  This includes excessive sugar and salt. Partly because additives are linked to puffy eyes, oily skin and aging, but also, when you pay attention to your diet, you’re likely to eat more of the things that are better for your skin. These are antioxidant and vitamin rich vegetables, sources of protein and good fats.

Many people also consume over-the-counter supplements that boost the skin’s condition and often the nails and hair. Look out for active ingredients such as silica which assist with collagen production.

Outside Prep

Cleanse-tone-moisturize is the skincare mantra of yesteryear. By all means, complete these tasks, but not all products are equal! Furthermore, there are some kick-ass additions to this standard routine that will make a difference to your skin’s appearance. You will, however, want to introduce new products one at a time to gauge their positive impact, minimize adverse reactions, and save your wallet some serious $$. For a novice, masks are a great (and fun way) way to rehydrate and improve skin clarity. Then explore serums, whether for night-time hydration or in the am for brightening and tightening.  Move onto double cleansing and chemical exfoliants once you’re ready to add to your repertoire.

As a side note, toners are not all bad but stick to alcohol-free versions as they are less drying. Specifically, alcohol denat/ethyl alcohol, when listed as one of the primary ingredients, is best avoided even if you have oily skin – this is what your double cleanse can help address.

If you lack the time or inclination, stick with a neutral cleanser, moisturizer, gentle form of make-up removal and the holy grail: sunscreen. Future self will thank you.

Professional Review

After you have established your new routines to feed your skin inside and out, turn to the experts to examine any specific skin concerns you have. Your GP or specialist Mole Mapping clinic can review your body and inspect suspicious lumps and bumps, catching potential skin cancers in their early stages. You might prefer to consult a cosmetic medicine clinic if you have skin concerns that you want to put on notice. Skin tag and mole removal will occur once onsite doctors give them the all clear to be removed. This can be achieved with the help of radiofrequency, laser, freezing or excision. Concerns with lines, pigmentation and veins can also be addressed using a variety of non-surgical techniques to keep you looking your best.

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  • Viva Glow

    July 19, 2019 at 2:43 am

    Thanks for this very insightful article. Question, do you think a regular checkup with a derma is worth it?

  • Viva Glow

    August 1, 2019 at 9:29 pm

    These are all awesome tips. Cutting on sugar and salt to keep your skin young and healthy? Didn't realize that until now. Introducing new products […] Read MoreThese are all awesome tips. Cutting on sugar and salt to keep your skin young and healthy? Didn't realize that until now. Introducing new products to upgrade skincare routine? Agree with that. Our skin needs time to understand what's going on and understand what the new product is all about one by one. Thanks for the great article! Read Less

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