5 Differences Between Eyebrow Tattooing & Microblading in Charlotte

eyebrow tinting, tattooing, microblading

Eyebrow Microblading vs. Brow Tattooing

Microblading has become quite popular within the esthetic industry. If you have thinning eyebrows or even no eyebrows at all, then this is likely one of the best procedures that can help you. As you probably know, eyebrows are quite the popular feature and many people are willing to spend lots of money so they can have perfect eyebrows. There are many ways to achieve aesthetic looking brows and these include waxing, gels, tweezing, pencils and more. However, doing these on a daily basis is quite tiring and it can also look quite unnatural.

As a result, one great option you have is to do microblading which is a form of permanent makeup to always have perfect eyebrows. This is a great option for people who have thin eyebrows or those who have lost most of their brows over the years due to over tweezing etc. There are many names for microblading and some other popular terms include dermal implantation, micro pigmentation, micro stroking, eyebrow embroidery, permanent cosmetics, etc. Regardless of the name that you call it, this particular field is very profitable and rewarding as a career. At The Beauty Lab Microblading in charlotte NC, we have also heard people calling it eyebrow tattooing but it is not exactly correct.

Essentially, microblading is similar to an eyebrow tattoo but is more accurately a cosmetic tattoo. We will now look at the differences between eyebrow tattooing and microblading.

1. Retention of color

Our microblading artists are quite delicate in their application and as a result, microblading fades away completely after about 3 years. It usually lasts between 1 to 3 years since there is a lot less ink that is put under the skin, which makes it quite different from eyebrow tattooing.

2. Microblading sustains their own color

When it comes to microblading, the pigment used is not typical tattoo ink. Instead, a very specially made pigment is used that maintains its color as time passes. Unfortunately, there are many people who have gotten eyebrow tattoos and it actually changes color over time and typically turns red or blue. This is because the tattoo artist used a metal-based ink to tattoo on their eyebrows. As a result of microblading’s superb color retention, it is much better than eyebrow tattoos.

3. Painless

Microblading is almost painless since the artists use a high strength anesthetic on the area which completely numbs it. So, you don’t have to be scared of the needle as you will barely feel a thing.

4. Microblading creates eyebrows that are natural looking as opposed to unnatural looking eyebrow tattoos.

When the microblading artist is creating your eyebrows, they hand draw every single line and hair follicle so that it appears as natural hair. Eyebrow tattooing, on the other hand, is simply filling in the eyebrow with one color. In the end, microblading looks like natural eyebrow hair and many people can’t tell the difference between microbladed eyebrows and natural eyebrows.

5. The two artists are quite different.

Lastly, even though both of these artists learn about skin and various pathogen principles, that is where their similarity ends. Our microblading artists, in particular, have to learn and practice for more than 6 months at a vigorous pace before they can take on clients.

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