Do You Have Acne Prone Skin? Follow This Skincare Routine

acne prone skin
Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

Most of the time we fight with the thought that what is good for our skin and what is not. It really gets hard to find out what to use and what not to use. Every day we experience plenty of advertisements showing that they have the best formula to treat your acne, but do they?

We try almost every home remedy to get rid of it but sometimes it works and sometimes we fail terribly. Do you know the reason why we fail? Well, because we actually don’t know our skin and what sort of acne we have. We just listen to others and start implementing some creams and some sort of herbal paste on our face. But wait, doing so can damage your skin more. Hence, we have jotted down a skincare routine that will help you for sure but before that, we will tell you what sort of acne you have and first of all, you should know your skin. Scroll down to know more: 

Understand Your Skin

You can find out the best product to deal with acne but the foremost thing to know is what type of skin you are dealing with then only there are chances to get that magic potion for your skin.

When you do not diagnose your skin and start using the product that is not meant for your skin, you tend to experience breakouts, irritation, and dry skin. Despite the fact that everyone has a unique skin type: there are 5 of them majorly:

  • Dry
  • Combination
  • Normal
  • Oily
  • Sensitive

Now every skin type has its own acne type, let’s know the acne type you are dealing with.

Understand Your Acne Type

Every acne is not formed in a similar way, there are plenty of reasons that are responsible for them and they are even treated differently.

1. Hormonal Acne

Around the jawline and chin when you see unexpected zits and they occur every month at the same time then your acne is the work of imbalanced hormones. Thanks to them, your oil production of skin goes on the next level and an abundance of oil set in your pores leads to zits.

2. Whiteheads

A white dot in the middle of the zit is whiteheads. It is a combination of sebum and dead skin cells that forms those tiny heads. When your skin’s cells are combined with each other and block the pores then they are formed. Normally on the oily skin type, the whitehead appears and this happens because of the bacteria and grime that gets collaborated with oil. And then they give you a nightmare by turning into a red bump. Make sure you don’t pop them as it can be the major reason for acne-related scarring.

3. Papules

Technically a papule is any small bump on your skin. Actually, they are inflammatory acne that is popping up because of the bacteria in your skin.

When the bacteria develops then it leads to inflammation that results in a red acne bump. Now this one can be very painful.

4. Blackheads

Blackheads are the dark-colored spots on your skin that plug your pores. Similar to whiteheads, they are caused because of blocked pores and when sebum and bacteria with oil get combined in your skin they tend to emerge. The oil that sits inside the pores makes it even darker and the worst part is that they have bigger openings which indicate that the air can enter and oxidize the oil, thus they are known as blackheads.

Now that you got aware of the reasons for acne and the types of it, let’s jump directly to the routine that you need to follow.

Skin Care Routine That Is Beneficial For Acne Prone Skin

With the use of cleaner clean the impurities twice a day

Yes, you read it right, you need to cleanse your skin twice a day, no matter what your skin type is. Oil and dirt may cause blackheads, whiteheads, and blemishes, hence it becomes very important to cleanse it especially if you are dealing with acne-prone skin. As the impurities clog the pores and lead to acne, make sure you do not opt for a harsh cleanser as it will cause breakouts and will dry your skin extremely. Go for a gentle cleanser or you can even opt for Probiotic skincare for acne, this will help to rejuvenate your skin and make it soft and smooth. It’s important to keep in mind that your skin doesn’t have dirt, bacterias, and excess oil because it will definitely cause irritation when you use a harsh cleanser.

Use a Toner

To open up the pores, you need to use the toner after cleansing. The role of it is to prepare your skin for the coming steps and it will completely absorb the products you will use after toning. It even hydrates your skin and removes excess oil from the skin. Use it twice as the cleanser (morning and night)

Moisturize your skin twice

Happy skin is one that is hydrated. Moisturizer helps in protecting your skin and reviving the softness through hydration. Not only acne-prone skin but all skin types need regular hydration. If you skip this step then your skin will produce too much oil, clogged pores, and extremely oily skin that shines. To make it more clear, you don’t need an extra night cream, your day cream will have all the ingredients that your skin needs to stay healthy.

Final Words

Always remember that when it’s about acne, then less is more. Using too many products can harm your skin. Choose the right one after self-testing it on your hands. If it doesn’t irritate you then that’s the right one for you. After going through this blog, you will know exactly what you need to do. Following the above-mentioned steps will give you positive results and you will be happy to see your glowing skin. Make sure if you have any doubt, just visit the dermatologist and clear the confusion before using any product on your skin.

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March 2025