Embracing the natural hair has become much easier for naturals especially the kinky, curly, coily, coarse textured hair. In this era, there are hair products that are geared towards people of colour. While I was growing up we only had pink lotion, hair relaxer, black gel and hair oil (Blue Magic was the thing). Now we have a wide range of styling tools, products and brands to choose from.
Before some would kill to get their hair straight going back and forth to the salon every 6 weeks to get the natural hair roots relaxed since that’s where the new growth begins. Now natural hair has become a norm. We have found ways to embrace it by using styles such as twist out, high puff, flat twist, up do’s wash n go and methods to seal in moisture such as the loc method and/or lco method. I personally love the loc method. I do it every week after washing my hair and my hair stays moisturized for the entire week.
Natural Hair The Trend
Natural hair has become ‘the trend’, if you want to know how to create a simple hairdo or looking for natural hairstyle ideas just watch a few YouTube channels and/or view images on Instagram to get a taste of the style you desire. I personally love to search for natural hair hashtags on Instagram. Doing this gives me an inspiration of a style that I would love to try in my own hair.
I admit natural hair can be hard to style, not easy to maintain but once we get the hang of it, styling and daily maintenance come with ease. I have seen naturals going from straight (relaxed) to transition, from a transition to big chop and back to the relaxer. Then transitioning and/or big chop again because they are so undecided how they want to keep their hair and they end up missing their natural hair.
Final Thoughts
I admire how these companies have created products to maintain our natural hair. One of the cons of some products are the number of flakes and build up that they leave the instant they touch the hair, also beware of the product combination this is a huge killer. This will send you washing your hair again just after you have washed it.
I love to embrace my natural hair, the versatility of it always keeps me going.

You and I both. I am enjoying my natural hair and I never thought it would be possible. It's not always an easy thing to […] Read MoreYou and I both. I am enjoying my natural hair and I never thought it would be possible. It's not always an easy thing to do though and I guess that's why some people revert to the relaxed look. Read Less
La Dale
I love all of the products available now, especially since I keep my daughter natural. It makes it so much easier.
Rashida Thompson
I decided to transition to natural hair in 2011. I still have my times where I get frustrated with the maintenance but I love that […] Read MoreI decided to transition to natural hair in 2011. I still have my times where I get frustrated with the maintenance but I love that it's much healthier. Read Less
Tiffani Denham
Indeed it does RULE! I just left the salon, getting my hair did. I go back and forth between wearing my hair curly and straight. […] Read MoreIndeed it does RULE! I just left the salon, getting my hair did. I go back and forth between wearing my hair curly and straight. I just LOVE the versatility. I have been natural for about 10 years now and I would never think about going back! Read Less
Nays Voice
Learning your natural hair is a beautiful experience. I adore my nappy/kinky hair!
Ty Knighten
Yes, it does seem to be the trend but one that has women embracing themselves and their culture. I love it!
Vannesa Gotta
Getting the right olive oil is important to getting the right results. If you know which brand of olive oil is best for you, then […] Read MoreGetting the right olive oil is important to getting the right results. If you know which brand of olive oil is best for you, then you can get the health benefits and the flavors that you desire. The right brand will give you a delicious product that is easy to use and very affordable. Read Less