Great Safety Tips for Women Living Alone

women living alone
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Society has changed immensely in the last hundred years or so, and more women than ever are choosing to live alone. There are many advantages to being alone in a house – no fighting over the remote control, the freedom to slob around in pajamas and eat ice cream from the carton without criticism, and never having to wait for your turn in the shower. However, sometimes living alone can be a bit scary – especially if you are a young lady. Here are some great safety tips for women living alone.

Install A Security System

If you install a monitored alarm system in your home, you will instantly feel and be a lot safer. A monitored alarm system is a more personal security system than a basic alarm system. For example, suppose an alarm is triggered in your home. In that case, a signal will instantly be sent to a fully staffed monitoring center, which will investigate why the alarm was triggered and will alert the authorities if immediate assistance is required. Most security systems are very easy to install and use these days. You can control alarms, lights and surveillance cameras via an app from your cell phone.

Be Careful with Keys

When you move into a new property, it is advisable to change the locks as former tenants and owners may still have copies of your key, and they could have fallen into the wrong hands without your knowledge. If you cannot change the locks straight away, fit some deadbolt locks to the door.

Never leave a spare key under a doormat or somewhere similar. Instead, give a key to a close family member or a neighbor you trust implicitly.

Get to Know Your Neighbors

So that you have some moral support in a crisis, a safe place to go, and someone to give a spare key to, try to find a trustworthy neighbor. Your neighbors can act as an extra monitoring system for you, and you can return the favor. For example, if your neighbor knows you work during the day and see somebody entering your property, they can alert you.

Be Discreet

Don’t broadcast the fact you live alone. Never post information about your living situation on social media platforms such as Facebook. Never tell lots of people at work you are alone as you never know who is listening or how fast information travels. Only let a couple of close friends your address. It also makes good sense to have plenty of parties or get-togethers with friends at your home as nothing puts a burglar off a break-in more than a busy house.

Lock and Look

Install a peephole on your door so that you can see who is at your door before you open it. Also, ensure you lock your doors and windows at all times. Never be tempted to nip out to the car or local shop for something quickly and leave the door open as a passer-by or watcher could easily slip in when you are not looking.

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March 2025