2 Hacks to live like a Celebrity this Summer without Breaking your Bank!

summer vacation hacks

If you ever find yourself gazing at one of those glossy magazines with sheer envy and trying to figure out how on Earth these celebs manage to pick the perfect and glamorous things for themselves every single time. Of course, they do have a huge fortune, whereas the Covid-19 pandemic has indeed caused turbulence in your economic life.

But that doesn’t mean you need to have a huge bank balance to live like a celebrity. Feeling confused? Let us clear that up for you. Celebs like Rihanna, Beyonce, and Zack Afron look glamorous because of their iconic style, they turn basic things into a luxurious style statement.

Thus, if you are also longing for a celebrity-like lifestyle without falling into a financial crunch, here are some simple and stylish hacks for you to follow. Let’s get started!

Live in a luxurious yet comfortable home

Almost all the celebrities are featured in prominent magazines for having a luxurious and stylish home. In fact, you’ll find most of the celebs spending their weekends comfortably by the poolside sipping their favorite drink. And that’s precisely what you need, this summer. You know where we are going with this. Right? So, put on your best swimming suit and get some pictures clicked inside and near the pool you have in your backyard.

But hang on! Have you ever noticed that all the celeb houses have one thing in common? Everything is well-organized and, most importantly, CLEAN.

Thus, before you click and upload million poolside pictures, you have to make sure that the pool is neat and clean. Obviously, you don’t want those nasty twigs, debris, and clutter to be an eyesore for your glamorous Instagram picture. Right? According to the experts at POOLSERV, every pool deserves to be cleaned regularly as an unkempt pool is the root cause of many accidents, diseases, and infections. Therefore, besides showing off your alluring lifestyle, it is important to ensure that the residents are a part of a hygienic and comfortable home.

Dress like a fashionista

You might be wondering that dressing like divas and fashion bloggers requires going on a shopping spree and picking out the best outfits designed by the major designers; then how is it not an expensive step? But that’s where you are wrong.

How about we tell you that there’s a way to show off your clothing and make it look like you spent a fortune on them. Yes, you read that right. For this, you need a lot of research and skills of a smart shopper. There are so many stores out there that can help you deal with designer clothing at an incredible price by getting some hefty discounts on the items. In fact, you can also get some of the accessories and clothes at a nominal price on some online websites. Isn’t that awesome? But yes, carry those clothes and accessories like they were meant for you to own.

Wrapping Up!

Besides adopting a glamorous and alluring lifestyle, it is also important that you work on your confidence, posture, and attitude. Many celebs have training in it to look their best on the red carpet, but you have to learn to master that. Make sure that you walk straight with the head held high and put on your best smile. That’s the most economical thing you can do for a celeb-like lifestyle. And that’s a wrap!

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March 2025