Haunted Tour – Worth it or Skip it?

ghost tour

There will almost certainly be at least one point in your life when you’ve had the opportunity to go on a haunted tour. You’ll have had your reasons to say yes or no at the time. But, if you have the opportunity to go again, your answer should be a resounding yes!

You’ll be wondering why you should indulge in ghost tours. Here’s why it’s worth indulging.

It’s Fun

A ghost tour is fun, especially if you don’t take the idea of ghosts too seriously. It doesn’t mean you don’t have to believe in ghosts but the reality is there are few cases of ghosts physically hurting people.

That means you can enjoy looking for the ghosts and feel relatively comfortable that you’ll come out the other end of the tour unscathed.

Of course, there is always the odd time….


Perhaps best of all is the fact that a ghost tour is informative. All ghost stories depend on a little history to explain why ghosts exist. This means you’ll be learning about the history of an area and seeing the specific places at the same time.

That’s one way to really make history come to life.

But, that’s not all! A ghost tour is likely to take you to parts of a city or town that you probably wouldn’t have visited otherwise. That’s worth an evening out by itself, you never know what hidden treasures you’ll find that will bring you back to visit again and again.


Mention ghost tour and the first thing you think of is probably not romance. But, look at it a different way and you will. Take your partner with you and be prepared to cuddle up with them to protect them from the scary ghosts, assuming you’re not scared of them yourself.

If you are then you’ll have to hope they’ll do the protecting. The point is that it’s an experience you can share and one that will give you something to laugh about later. You can even unwind with a drink or two after and really start to bond!

It’s certainly more engaging than sitting in a cinema or a bar!

It’s A Scam

Despite great advancements in technology it is still extremely difficult to confirm the existence or non-existence of ghosts. If you approach a ghost tour with the expectation of being shown that ghosts exist then you’ll be disappointed.

However, if you accept that it is a possibility and simply enjoy the history of the area and the ambiance of the evening, you’ll find that it is a very pleasant way to spend an evening.

You may not leave having seen a ghost or convinced of their existence. But, you will have enjoyed an evening doing something different, which makes it a worthwhile experience for anyone.

Of course, if you’re a believer the decision is easier and you may get to make some new friends with fellow believers, anything is possible!

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  • Viva Glow

    October 12, 2019 at 6:41 am

    Great point! I'm a scaredy cat but if I can enroll someone to join me in one of these trips, maaaaaaaaybe I'll consider this one.

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