Health & The Workplace – Common Injuries at Work

If you have been injured at work in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be able to bring a claim for personal injury compensation. Unfortunately, many people do not start a claim because they believe themselves to have been in some way responsible for their injury. The important thing to remember is that whenever you enter a place of work, your employer has a duty of care towards your safety. See a worker’s compensation lawyer (Atlanta) for more information on the subject. 

If you are injured in any way whilst carrying out your duties, and if a court of law could reasonably deduce that your employer could have done more to prevent your injury, your claim is likely to be upheld. 

We’re going to look at some of the more common instances of injuries that occur in the workplace, because where workers understand the types of issues that could lead to claims that are upheld in court, more workers may feel confident to hire an injury lawyer and start to begin a claim.

Slips, trips, and falls 

Although commonly associated with workspaces such as factory floors or other open-plan zones housing multiple workers, slips, trips, and falls are not universally linked to cluttered pathways. Offices can also present tripping hazards with regard to loose cabling, loose carpeting, and poorly signposted uneven walkways, even things lying around that should instead have been stored safely away in a cabinet like the ones found here. All of this is worth bearing in mind the next time you are injured in a slip, trip, or fall at work where an obstruction that should have been cleared was left in the way of your normal daily movements. Not to mention, the unaccounted medical bills can also lead you into a financial crunch. In such a case, it would be best to discuss your case with an experienced lawyer who is well-versed with related laws. You can check the URL here and learn how personal injury lawyers can streamline things for you by having your back throughout the case.

Repetitive strain injuries 

This particular type of injury is high on the list of injuries that workers do not feel they can claim against – usually, people believe that a repetitive strain injury is part of the job and that the employer cannot be held responsible for the long term health concerns associated with carrying out repetitive tasks. This is incorrect.

Where a case of repetitive strain injury can be brought on the basis that the employer did not reasonably do enough to ensure the safety of workers (including adhering to health and safety guidelines surrounding regular breaks), there may be a case for personal injury compensation. If you are looking for advice, guidance and representation, you might want to head to this page, to find information as to how the process can work for you. 

Exposure to loud noise

Similar to repetitive strain, noise induced hearing loss is often thought to be a common workplace injury that comes with the territory relating to certain jobs (e.g. factory work, teaching, bar work, airport ground staff). This too is an injury for which employer negligence may be upheld where the correct safety equipment is not supplied. 

If you are unsure as to whether you can claim personal injury compensation for your workplace injury, speak to a lawyer to discuss your options – you may be surprised. 

Finally, in the unfortunate event that you have suffered from a workplace injury, you may be prescribed medication by your doctor in order to treat it. Remember to always get your medicines from a reliable source, like, which delivers all kinds of prescription drugs, at prices significantly lower than local drug stores, across the U.S. and Canada. 

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