Home Is Where The Health Is: How Where Your Live Can Affect Your Wellbeing

We have so much nice stuff these days! From affordable yet stylish furniture to awesome consumer electronics that take us to new worlds without leaving the home, there are plenty of ways to make just about anywhere feel like home. Our home is our castle and in many ways, it is a fortress. It’s where we retreat after the daily battles of work and day-to-day life. It’s where we can rid ourselves of the clothes and makeup that are the armor and warpaint we use to project an image of confidence and success, let go and be ourselves. The feeling of coming home after a hard day’s work or even a long trip abroad is an everyday pleasure that cannot be taken for granted. If you’re having a bad day the home can be your refuge from your problems, and if you’re having a good day it can be a place where you can celebrate your victories in the battle of life.

wellbeing, health

Yes, there’s no denying that the home is an important factor in determining our health. Yet, few of us are aware of just how much where we live can affect our physical and mental wellbeing.

The dangers of insularity

While it’s true that you can make a good home just about anywhere, there are dangers when it comes to retreating to the home a little too much. As important as where you live can be in determining your wellbeing, it’s important to engage with your surroundings. People tend to be happier and more fulfilled when they engage with the area around them. Wherever you choose to live, engaging in community events, patronizing local amenities such as restaurants, cafes and bars and finding opportunities to make friends in the area can be way more beneficial than barricading yourself in your home and viewing the world through the lens of social media and television.

Self-esteem is all about self-determination, but it’s impossible to do alone. It’s impossible to feel pretty, interesting or valued in a vacuum. If my environment weren’t conducive to this, I’d be looking for local movers in my area. Let’s have a look at how the area in which we live can affect our wellbeing.


Stress is more than just an inconvenience, it’s a severe health risk. Stress can not only damage your quality of life, it can make you gain weight. Stress causes our bodies to produce the hormone cortisone which can lead to weight gain around the belly area. If you live in an area that causes you stress, through a high local crime rate or a lengthy commute to work, it may be time to move on if you can.


Some of us are better suited to colder climates than others but colder states tend to get darker for longer around this time of year. The combination of grey skies, darkness and rain can all contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder which can lead to depression and lethargy.


While studies go back and forth on whether urban or rural environments are generally better for well being, there’s no denying that proximity to nature can impact positively on your mental health. Having access to plants, trees grass and flowers in a local park or nature reserve is a great pick me up when you’re feeling angry, upset or depressed as well as being a great place to jog or run when you feel like burning some calories.

While where you live has some effect on your wellbeing, it’s all about finding the balance between being happy at home and being happy around the home. And if you can’t do both, it may be time to call the movers!

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March 2025