How Can You Know If You’re Doing Something For The Right Reasons?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

In life, we will find ourselves following certain directions, and learning new things, and changing our minds, and striving to be better. For some, ‘better’ might mean going for that promotion, for others, it might mean finally putting a stop to their addiction. 

Whenever we encounter a change in life, we can often find ourselves somewhat fearful and worried. Stepping into new territory is always a wonder, and it can sometimes backfire, which leaves us hesitant to move forward. However, many of us realize that we were more courageous than we thought when pushing a new direction, and so it’s not about if we’ll do it or not, but rather if we’re focused on that approach for the right reasons at all.

Let’s say you’re hoping for a change, such as starting a new job or launching your own business, or perhaps getting scarless rhinoplasty, or hoping to begin a new relationship. How can you know if you’re doing something for the right reasons? Those are worthwhile questions to ask. Let’s consider how you may go about asking them:

Write Your Reasoning Down

As human beings with functional minds, we are extremely good at deceiving ourselves about events and desires we experience. There’s something quite pure about writing down this reasoning in the form of a reflective journal because you can quite clearly see how your thought processes have manifested, and from there, you can consider the logical deficiencies. Odds are, this can even help you reinforce your original viewpoint. Yet if you’re not sure about trying something new, or investing in a new addition to your life, journaling can be an elegant, reflective answer.

Research The Change

Spend time researching the change you hope to bring about. Without it, odds are you’ll simply feel as if you’re making the decision based on pure emotive reasoning, and that’s not always a well-thought-through approach. For instance, if you hope to go for a form of cosmetic surgery, what does this mean? What is the process like? How long will you spend in recovery? How exactly, is the surgery performed? What are the success stories like? What are the failures like? How safe really is it?  Curating a list of questions can help you see if you’#ve actually spent time trying to understand this approach, or if you’re just making the decision through a pure desire to start with.

Speak To Those You Trust

Speaking to those that you trust is important. Often, your family and friends know you better than you do. It’s hard to get things past them. It’s hard to ignore their well-wishes and concerns. If you talk through something you find important with them, often they will bring up little inconsistencies in your thinking, or considerations you may not have considered. You don’t have to take everything they say as gospel. Sometimes, you do know best. But at the very least, you will be inviting contrary viewpoints or viewpoints that encourage you to think critically. That has to be a good thing.

With this advice, we hope you can practice change for the right reasons, particularly if it’s a life-altering or personality-changing affair or event you’re thinking of.

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February 2025