How Schools Are Doing Things Better in Today’s World

Schools have changed enormously in recent decades, and you’ll find that your child’s experience of school will be much different to your own. While they don’t always get everything right and issues can still occur, there have been so many positive changes that have happened in schools. They’re no longer just places where children are sent to get an education, they’re much better equipped to support, inspire and safeguard those that attend. Here are some of the ways that your child’s schooling experience will differ from your own, and some of the positive things have been put in place to help with students’ education, development and happiness.

Focus on Mental Health

Our understanding of mental health has come a long way in the past twenty years alone. It no longer holds the stigma that it once did, and mental health conditions and the importance of maintaining good mental health are widely spoken about in society in general. Medical professionals and schools recognize that issues can, and do occur in children and teens, and schools are proactive about supporting those with problems, and educating about mental health. Many have incorporated dedicated lessons on things like healthy eating, physical exercise and managing stress which can be incredibly helpful. Children leave school with an understanding about what mental health is, how to protect it, what warning signs to look out for and what help is out there. Unfortunately, in years gone by mental health was an ‘unspoken’ and taboo topic, most of our generation leaving school probably wouldn’t have known what conditions like depression even were or how to go about dealing with our feelings if they struck. Many people were shamed or made to feel bad for struggling with a mental health disorder or just left confused about why they felt the way that they did. This can lead to unhealthy coping strategies that can go on to have a lifelong impact from smoking to drinking to drugs, overeating, gambling and more. A better understanding and more conversations about this topic in society in general as well as in schools means children will be much better equipped to deal with their mental health throughout adulthood. 

Anti Bullying 

Unfortunately, bullying will always happen in schools, and it can sometimes be difficult to get to the bottom of. Not all bullying is obvious, and not all victims are prepared to come forward meaning it can go undetected for a long time. However, schools do understand the impact that bullying can have, and linked with their increased sensitivity to mental health they do have anti bullying systems in place. This is something that has improved greatly in recent years, students should be provided with a clear way to ask for help and shown how to make contact in these situations. And parents should know who to contact with concerns and be listened to with a plan of action put in place. 

Non-Gendered School Uniform

Schools are moving away from gendered school uniforms. This means that both boys and girls can choose from the available uniform options (skirts, dresses, trousers, shorts, blouses and shirts). This can help ensure that everyone stays comfortable and can wear a uniform that works for them. When children are wearing their uniform for hours each day and week, it makes sense to give them some freedom to choose from the options available so that they feel as comfortable as possible and prevent them from feeling self-conscious. 

Grading Systems

Many schools are now adopting a more ‘standard based grading’ approach. Standards- based grading is a more intentional way for teachers to track each student’s progress, while focusing on helping them to reach their highest potential. Their grades are worked out individually, as they demonstrate their learned knowledge in things like projects, quizzes, essays and presentations. Traditional grading systems on the other hand tend to treat every student equally, without consideration of the student’s depth or lack of mastery when processing the final grade. A change in grading systems enables teachers to get the best out of every student and their individual strengths, rather than treating everyone in the class the same and presenting them with the same tests. Being able to excel in their own way can boost kids’ self-esteem and generally make the learning process much more enjoyable. 

Protection Against Abuse/ Neglect

Teachers in today’s world are taught to spot signs of neglect and abuse, something that would have gone unrecognised in years gone by (unless it was very obvious). These days there’s more understanding about the different types of abuse, and teachers are versed in what the warning signs are. From children turning up dirty or hungry signalling signs of neglect, to those showing signs of anger or emotional issues; teachers are able to have conversations with the child to get to the bottom of what might be happening and liaise with other authorities. This ensures that their needs are being met and everything is ok at home. 

Better Technology

Finally, one of the biggest differences between today’s school children and your own school experience is the technology available. Changes in tech can do wonderful things, it doesn’t just mean more computers and education about the internet and what it can do. Improved tech can help to safeguard children better by ensuring an electronic register is taken in every class. It can provide children with additional needs with things like speech to text equipment and more. Better technology can improve learning in so many ways, and schools have utilized this to provide a better experience for students.

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March 2025