How to Host a Fantastic Themed Party

There’s nothing quite like entertaining friends and family at your home. For some time, it was difficult to do so, but the scars of Covid-19 are hopefully fading enough that it’s becoming more viable. 

You can host all kinds of events at home. You can invite people around for a barbecue, especially as the weather gets warmer, a dinner party, an informal gettogether, a games night, or something more interesting. A themed party can tick several boxes and can be as involved as you like. Here are some tips to throw a themed party to remember.

host themed party

1. Pick a Great Theme

The first step to hosting a party is to decide on the theme early. This means that you have more time for planning. You may have a theme in mind already, or you may decide to look into some themed party ideas and pick from there.

In any case, you should ensure that the theme is achievable and develop a plan that leans into that. Some themes work better with different styles of parties. For example, a Hollywood glamor party theme works fantastically as a fancy dinner party. On the other hand, an 80s-themed party lends itself to a more upbeat event, while a 1920’s Agatha Christie theme is begging for a murder mystery meal. 

As you can see, deciding on the theme will also inform everything else. The sooner that you have your theme sorted out, the sooner you can start preparing the decorations and planning the day. The more ambitious your theme, the sooner you should have your ideas set firmly in your head.

2. Invite the Right Guests

One of the most important parts of hosting a successful event is making sure that the right people are there. The hard truth is that not everyone will enjoy every party. If you want to emulate a 90s rave, then children and elderly people might not appreciate it as much as your adult peers.

When coming up with a guest list, make sure that you have enough space to host everyone and that you can feed everyone comfortably. Invite people who are interested in your theme, so that everyone will get involved. 

Explain the theme to your guests. Nobody likes to be blindsided by a costume party, so give them time to prepare as well. If your guests are happy, then your event is sure to be a success.

3. Preparations on the Day

Ideally, you should stock up in advance. But the day before and the day of the event will be when you’re most busy. You need to clean the house or venue, then decorate it with themed items. If there will be music, games, or other activities, then get them set up before people arrive.

You also want to be well-stocked with food and drinks. Even if you plan on serving a meal, provide some snacks to keep people happy. For example, the Sorella Collective provides some fantastic cheese and charcuteries that would work especially well.

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March 2025