How To Propose So Well They Can’t Say No

A proposal can be a beautiful thing, but you absolutely have to pay your dues before you can experience that beauty. First, you need to make the decision. Then, you need to get approval from those close to him or her. Then, you need to arrange matters, invest in the implements, and most of all, pluck up your courage. This final part is the hardest part. Even relationships that have been great since they started, and have run on for years can often find those who intend to propose in a state of mild euphoria before they kneel, as the nerves will be coursing through them like energy.


Of course, it might be that you have had the best relationship so far. It might be that you love each other very much, and have lived together for some time with little to no arguments, a true affinity for one another and a willingness to protect each other no matter what. But, if you propose in a horrible way? You’re still likely going to get a ‘no.’

The intent of this article is to prevent that situation from happening. Let us consider the following:

Plan For Emotional Impact

It might be that you simply wish to propose as soon as possible, in order to finally make them your husband or wife. But of course, sometimes going for the most emotional impact can not only increase your chances of success but will also help you remember this as a milestone memory you can both appreciate. It might seem as though getting the proposal out of the way is some kind of grim duty to which you must adapt, but remember – you can actually have fun here! This is a good thing, not some sad duty with which you must grimly resign yourself.

For that reason, consider that which is most important to you. Perhaps you’ve both wanted to visit the beautiful aquatic streets of Venice, and your upcoming trip there after years of planning is looking like a fantastic place to do it. Perhaps you wish to propose during a milestone, such as your partner enjoying his or her thirtieth birthday.

Just be sure that the context you choose is in no way going to be considered exploitative. For example, if your partner’s younger sibling has just been told that their cancer is in full remission and expected to make a full recovery? That’s fantastic news worth celebrating! But it’s perhaps not the right context to manipulate for your romantic goals, no matter how close you both are. It’s this idea of set and setting which makes the most emotional impact. We’re sure you’ll know what that means for both of you.

Get Prepared

Think about your planning kit for the proposal. We wish to use an evocative mental image for this as an example, so bear with us. Let’s say you wish to propose to your girlfriend on the top of a hillside overlooking the beautiful and quaint European town you’ve been visiting. First, you need a ring. It’s best to choose something within both of your tastes and to spend wisely on it. Of course, money shouldn’t be the true symbol of love, but remember, this is going to be a token you both keep for the rest of your lives, and it might even be passed down through your family. Be sure to choose something quality, such as from the Coastal Crescent engagement rings collection. Next, you need to select the space. Perhaps it’s part of a heritage site, and so informing the caretakers of this area can help them clear a certain space and ensure access is only granted to the two of you for half an hour. This might cost a little, but it’s surely going to be worth it.

In addition, you need to pick a day where the weather holds up. You can surely select this if you read the weather reports. Then, you’re going to get on one knee. Perhaps bringing a small rug as part of your picnic ambition can help you sit on one knee appropriately. Muting your phone notifications might also be worthwhile. It might even be that you ask a passer-by or someone who works at the venue to hold your mobile and take a discreet picture of the both of you.

Getting prepared can go a long way in planning the smoothness of its result, and can take some of the bites out of your initial nerves.

Use Your Nerves

Your nerves are good. This means you want this to happen, and you’re afraid of it going wrong. This could cripple you, or it could keep you sharp between the ears. Allow the second to happen. Remember, whichever way, you win. First, you might gain a new betrothed. If they decline, it might be that you know how to do it better next time or unveil issues in your relationship you are better off without. It might not seem it at the time, but either option is good for the long term.

With this advice and the good luck we certainly wish you, we hope you’re able to propose well.

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