Ask any woman and most will tell you the same thing…beauty is pain. As women, we know that preening, crimping, dyeing, plucking, and waxing all come at a price and it’s not just a monetary one. I regularly pay people to hurt me all in the name of staying beautiful, or at least per society’s idea of what beautiful is. I wish it wasn’t so, or I wish I didn’t care as much as I do, but sadly I am no genie. What I can do is round up the top 8 most impressive cosmetic procedures and tell you briefly what they involve and how much pain you can expect to feel during or after having each one of them done.
Eyelash Extensions – Expected Pain Rating 3/10
Individual eyelash extensions make such a difference to your eyes, you must see it to believe it. They open your eyes and provide great overall framing for a face. The actual procedure itself isn’t painful per se, but if you have sensitive eyes then it is probably going to sting. The worst part of the entire process, which takes around 90 minutes from start to finish, is opening your eyes when it’s all done. The glue that is used to stick the lashes on give off quite noxious fumes which can lead to blistering and redness if your eyes are particularly sensitive. Overall though, the worst pain is having to lie still for so long, I highly recommend asking for an extra pillow for your bum.
Microblading – Expected Pain Rating 6/10
This one is a little tricky in terms of pain rating because as with all procedures like this, the individual’s pain tolerance factors in hugely. I consider myself to have a reasonably high pain threshold and there were parts of this procedure that made me want to climb the walls. Your microblading technician will apply a numbing cream before the procedure begins but this tends to wear off quite quickly so the last few cuts are quite painful, especially the ones on the skin on the area directly on the sides of your nose and above your eyes.
Dental Veneers – Expected Pain Rating 2/10
The process of receiving your dental veneers is meant to be virtually pain-free. This is true for most people but if you are unlucky enough to have sensitive teeth and gums then you likely experience some mild discomfort. As with the microblading procedure above, if you discuss with a family dentist then you will be offered a numbing agent to prevent this – if it is something you are concerned about. Veneers are a popular choice for people who aren’t happy with their current smile because of the shape or colour of their teeth. Veneers are a natural-looking way to give you a perfect looking smile.
Laser Skin Resurfacing – Expected Pain Rating 2/10
As painful as blasts from lasers sound, they are nothing like the sci-fi movies would have you believe, well…not these anyway. These lasers are used to help reduce wrinkles, age spots, and acne scars – not murder aliens. There are quite a few types of laser surgeries that you can sign up for but none of them causes any real levels of pain. Most doctors and patients describe the pain in the same way, which compares it to having a rubber band snapped against your skin.
Nose Jobs – Expected Pain Rating 4/10
Nose jobs, or rhinoplasty, may seem like incredibly intense procedures and, if you have ever watched one of the countless plastic surgery reality TV shows, you’ll know that they also seem highly barbaric – especially when they’re chipping away with what effectively looks like a hammer and a chisel. Although rhinoplasty is a relatively small procedure, it has a major impact on the way you look. In terms of the pain, you can expect to likely be in a bit of pain post-op, as well as have a headache and some congestion for a little while whilst you heal. You will be prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatories to get you through this minor rough patch in your healing, which will take around a week. Overall recovery and healing will take around 3 – 4 weeks.
Breast Implants – Expected Pain Rating 8/10
Breast implants are not for the faint-hearted, let me start with that. The most important thing to consider if you want breast implants is to make sure you can afford them – it is not worth saving money by going to a dodgy surgeon. The pain will be at its most intense for the first 4 days after your surgery, you will need to make sure you have someone to look after you during this time because doing anything is going to hurt and A LOT, even breathing will hurt. The good news is that this pain is manageable with prescription painkillers and rest, after about 3 weeks you should be almost back to normal.
Lip Fillers – Expected Pain Rating 3/10
As crazy as this sounds, lip fillers (if done properly) are not painful. Apart from the actual needle, there is very little to cause anything majorly painful. The numbing agent will be administered before the filler is injected so you shouldn’t even feel that. As far as the post-procedure pain goes, there will be swelling but it should not be too uncomfortable. If you are in a world of pain after having fillers, then chances are something has gone wrong and you should consult your doctor immediately – sometimes patients are allergic to the ingredients in the fillers and this can cause the procedure to go awry so look out for these tell-tale symptoms.
Facelifts – Expected Pain Rating 5/10
Facelifts work wonders in taking years, and sometimes decades, off your face. The most pain you will experience after your procedure will be during the first week, you will be tired and sore but mostly you will be groggy. You will need a friend or family member to stay with you during this portion of your recovery. This is also when your post-operative swelling will be at its worst so take anti-inflammatories and get a lot of rest. By your second week, you will notice your swelling going right down and you won’t need to take prescription pain medication and you will be a lot more comfortable.