The Link Between Your Diet and Your Smile

People don’t seem to realize the correlation between smiling and your diet. Setting weight loss goals is fantastic, but actually reaching them can be a problem if you’re not paying attention to the things you’re consuming. Your diet can ultimately affect a lot of different things in your body. It can change your stress levels; it can change how much energy you have and it can also affect your smile. In this article, we’ll be going through some of the key points to remember when you’re about to go on a diet or change your eating habits, and how they can affect your teeth.

diet, smile, health

Keep Drinking Water

Changes in your diet can demand different levels of water intake. When you make changes, be they drastic or not, you might neglect to drink enough water and this can have a serious effect on your teeth. Drinking water helps to rinse your mouth of all kinds of acids and bacteria that could be the result of the food you eat. For instance; drinking juice is a fantastic way to cut down on calories (especially if you’re used to soda) but it can leave acids that erode tooth enamel. This leads to easy staining of your teeth; which is why drinking copious amounts of water is a fantastic option to lose weight and keep your teeth white. Low-calorie drinks such as diet soda are also not friendly to your teeth, so if you have to change the liquids you drink, try and stick to water.

Watch Your Breath

You might be looking at how to get whiter teeth by following some guides, but don’t neglect the importance of your breath too. Bad breath can stem from a number of different things, but your diet is perhaps the most overlooked component. Healthier foods such as garlic, onions and dairy can lead to bad breath due to the way they break down in our mouth and our stomach. Eating less can also cause bad breath due to the gasses released when your body breaks down fat stores instead of using carbohydrates as a source of energy; which is common in low-carb or low-calorie diet plans.

Eat Scrubbing Foods

When dieting, it’s common to eat more often and in smaller portions. This is to help with portion control and it’s a good way to limit the amount you eat if you restrict your calories. It can also help you feel fuller throughout the day which is never a bad thing. However, as a result of this constant eating, your teeth will be coated in bits of food and bacteria. To counteract this, eating foods that have scrubbing qualities at the end of your meal. This includes apples, carrots and celery. These types of foods are high in fiber and they promote saliva production. In a way; these foods act like toothbrushes because they sweep up and clean away all of the bits of food in your teeth.

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