Lip Injection – Know Its Benefits and Be Informed

If you want to change your overall appearance by altering one facial feature, a lip injection can do the job. Full lips are considered a sign of youth, as women typically lose volume in theirs as they age. Whether one lip is too thin, or both are, this procedure is an easy way to improve one feature and look years younger.

Some people are born with thin or asymmetrical lips, but they don’t have to live with it for long due to this procedure. Most doctors use injectable fillers, and many of them involve using fat or tissue from your own body. If you are looking for a natural method, ask your surgeon about these types.

lip injection

Types of Lip Injection

Autologen is just one kind of lip injection surgery that uses your tissue to fill in the area. This method uses collagen extracted from you and then sent to a lab to put it in injectable form. Your body will eventually absorb it, so the effects won’t last forever, but you can always have it done again. Fat injections and grafts are similar, but instead, involve taking fat from other parts of your body through surgery before this procedure.

If you prefer synthetic materials be injected during the process, you have plenty to choose from. Bovine collagen can be inserted, but it will only last one to three months in most cases. Injections made with hyaluronic acid, which is complex sugar that can also be found in the body, are available.

Another method that might interest you is obtaining fat or collagen from deceased donors rather than your own body, which means you do not have to have any surgery apart from the lip injection procedure.

Risks of getting Lip Injection

Fortunately, there are few risks with this operation and the ones that do exist depends on the method you select. For example, using bovine collagen carries the risk of allergy, while using tissue from deceased people will not spur allergies, but your body might reject it.

Additionally, if you opt to have your fat injected, you will need another type of surgery to obtain it, which increases your risks.

Lip injection surgery is a great way to look years younger. Even if your goal is simply to make your lips more symmetrical, you will likely be happy with the results. The recovery period is usually not more than a few days, which is a small price to pay to take years off your appearance and add to your beauty.

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  • Jaime walker

    January 10, 2019 at 3:19 pm

    Great blog very interesting

  • Suktara

    January 12, 2019 at 12:23 pm

    Very interesting post , glad the risks have been mentioned too, really informative for the enthusiasts.

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