List of Events Queensland, Australia 2021- For Complete Family


The COVID situation has somehow taught all of us the importance of personal hygiene and care. But at the same time, it has also imposed several restrictions on travel and holidays.

Nonetheless, it’s a new year, and it brings along new hopes. With the vaccinations in their advanced phase, travel restrictions are being slowly relaxed.

If you’re planning a trip to Queensland Australia this year, then you ought to know your options. As in, what you can do in Queensland, and the events that you can enjoy over there.

This article will purposely serve you the same only.

So, keep reading.

Golden Blade Awards (25 April 2021)

Surf boating is one of the most admired water sports in Australia. And to celebrate the champions, officially organized by the Surf Boat Rowers Convention, Golden Blade Awards is a must for everyone. Country music, performances, and award ceremonies are a gloomy sight to witness when you’re in Australia.

A Taste of Ireland- Logan (27 April 2021)

If you’re a fan of Irish music and dance, then you mustn’t miss this event. This international performance will make you laugh, cry, and jig in your seats. The venue is located close to the Emerald Inn, where you can set up your stay for the night. Featuring acclaimed Irish dancers, folk musicians, the event is sure to take you through the history of Ireland and its culture.

Big Pineapple Music Festival (21-22 May 2021)

If you’re planning to visit the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, then you might also wish to enjoy the most successful music festival in Queensland. You can camp up at the Big Pineapple or you can book yourself accommodation. Whatever you do, you’ll surely enjoy the mesmerizing electro-music festival with renowned DJ artists playing for you.

Brisbane Marathon Festival (5-6 June 2021)

To commemorate the 1982 Commonwealth Games, the Brisbane Marathon Festival is organized annually. This year, it’ll be organized in the month of June. So, if you’re in Queensland around this time, you must surely witness this event. And if possible, you can also participate, for it is open to all. It is noteworthy that patrons from over 35 countries take part in this historical event every year.

Horizon Festival (27 Aug- 5 Sep 2021)

Celebrating art and culture, Horizon festival welcomes artists, industrialists, and people from all walks of life. Bringing local, national, and international art, cultures, and trades together, the festival has something for everyone. Do visit for at least a day or two if you’re in Queensland during August and September.

Crafted Beer And Cider Festival (11 Sep 2021)

Not the usual festivals, but celebrating crafted beers and ciders only, this festival is a sure visit for young couples. Gold Coast’s premium festival is held annually near Broadbeach. Featuring local brewers to honour the golden drops of fun and enjoyment, the festival lasts all through the day till midnight. Patrons can enjoy over 200 varieties of crafted beer for a truly magnificent experience.

This year is not going to be like the previous one. Perhaps, you also don’t want it to be the same, too. So, step out with your family and enjoy the mesmerizing festivals and events this year.

That being said, make sure you wear masks and carry sanitizers with you all the time. Regardless of the safety in place by the authorities, personal safety should still be your prime concern.

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