Natural Hair Feature: Mirian Pierre

Mirian Pierre

Tell me about yourself, a short bio

My name is Mirian Pierre. I am 22yrs old and I live on the beautiful island of St. Maarten.

How long have you been natural?

I have been natural for 2 years and 4 days today.

Have you ever had a relaxer? Why did you decide to go back natural?

Yes, I had relaxer back when I was living in Holland in 2014 and when I came returned to St. Maarten my hair was a disaster; it was severely damaged, so I decided to go back natural.

Did you go through the transitioning process or big chop?

I did the big chop off the bat.

What is your hair regimen like? How often do you wash your hair?

My hair regimen hmmm… I have 1 spray bottle that I mix a few things and spray my hair whenever I feel like mostly. I wash it every 1 to 2 weeks.

What are some of your staple products? Which brand (Cantu, Shea Moisture, AS I AM etc.) is your fave?

I use Cantu leave-in conditioner and shampoo, Tresemme conditioner, castor oil, coconut oil, jojoba, tea tree and extra virgin olive oils in my nest.

Do you use heat on your hair?

No, I do not use heat. I really try my best not to go that route.

How do you feel about dying your natural hair?

I want to dye my hair but honestly, I am scared, so I probably won’t.

Mirian Pierre


Have you ever considered going back to the creamy crack?

Hell no! I did not chop it off just to go back lol, and I can just easily get a wig if I want to wear my hair straight.

Do you think that your natural hair gives you an extra flair?

Um no, I don’t think it gives me an extra flair.

Does it add to your personal style?

Right now I don’t think it adds to my personal style, I don’t really do much with it.

What are some of your go-to styles?

My go-to styles are simple such as wearing a high puff, single strand twists and twist outs.

Do you have a length goal?

I don’t necessarily have a length goal. I just want it to be bigger lol.

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March 2025