You’re never too late to learn music. Perhaps, many people express that they’ve been relieved to have music as a part of their lives. Not just that, music is one of the most influential ways of expression. Regardless of the emotion that you need to express.
That being said, most people often struggle to choose their first musical instrument. And, with a myriad of options available to choose from, it becomes all the more overwhelming.
Nonetheless, we bring you the easiest of all the musical instruments for beginners. Keep reading to know more.
Wind Instruments
The first class of musical equipment, which is also one of the most common categories is wind instruments. Air is blown through one end of the instrument and sound is produced from the other.
Simple, right?
If wind instruments are your thing, then the easiest one, to begin with, is a flute. The instrument is highly popular with classical music and is exclusively sought for live concerts. Besides, flutes are not so difficult to learn, particularly, if you can master your breathing.
Trumpets don’t have holes in the windpipe, as flutes do, and they are usually made out of brass. The tone and pitch of the sound are controlled with the help of keys. Pressing the keys creates obstructions to the path of the wind. Evidently, these could be a lot easier than learning the flute.
Stringed Instruments
The second class of musical instruments, which is perhaps, the most popular amongst all, is string type. Simply said, a set of strings is attached from one end of a solid body to the other. Plucking or strumming these strings produces soulful sounds.
You don’t need any introduction to this instrument. Everyone has seen rock bands and concerts using “guitar” while performing or creating music. The instrument is highly popular with the millennials and Gen-X. And you can find easy lessons to learn, online.
Quite similar in design to a guitar, a ukelele is sometimes also called its cousin brother. However, unlike the former, the ukulele has finer and fewer strings. And it also requires playing on a shorter fretboard.
Percussion Instruments
No matter, if you’re not interested in wind or string instruments. You can still begin with many other classes- say percussion instruments. Notably, the sound in percussion instruments is produced by hammering or thumping a sheath or a membrane.
Another instrument from the neoclassical music genre, the keyboard, could also be your first instrument. For best results, you should go for a smaller keyboard, with fewer keys. This should help you understand the notes and musical language first. And as you master the instrument, you should move on to the more complex ones.
Rock n Roll, the popular statement from the early ’80s and ’90s is still on. And if you wish to be a part of this evergreen community, maybe you should try a hand at drumming. You can, of course, choose from different types of drums available in the market. But, make sure that you begin with the easier ones first.
Learning music is not just about creating a career opportunity, but also exploring inner desires. As the old saying, music is to soul, like food is to body.