Proposal Pointers For The Ladies Brave Enough To Take The Lead

We’re going to let you in on a secret ladies; it’s not only men who can propose. Shocking, isn’t it? But alas, there it is. No longer do ladies have to wait until the leap year to pop the question. More often, women are taking the helm and getting the job done. In fact, about three-fourths of Americans say it would be okay for ladies to do the proposing. It worked for Lorelai Gilmore, after all.

proposal pointers

And, when you consider how much gender roles have changed in recent years, it makes sense. Women weren’t supposed to propose when they weren’t meant to get jobs, or even open their mouths most of the time. Luckily, we’ve done away with those archaic beliefs. Yet, we’re still hesitant to propose marriage. It’s crazy, and past time the tradition changed!

Of course, men spend their lives preparing for a proposal at some point. Plus, their friends can give them pointers. If you’re planning to propose, you may not be quite as prepared. Which is why we’ve put together a quick-fire proposal list for the ladies brave enough to try it.

Setting the right tone

Proposing in the right place is essential for success. If you choose a setting which doesn’t suit you as a couple, it could ruin the chances of him saying yes. Instead, pick a place which is close to both of your hearts. How about a favorite holiday destination, or a restaurant you visit often?

It’s also important to consider whether you want to do this proud, or private. For some couples, an exuberant proposal will work well. If he’s extroverted, your man won’t think anything of having a whole football stadium witness the event. But, if you’re both quiet, keep things between you. Do it at home, or during a day trip for just the two of you. Bear in mind that even a sociable guy may not want the world to know his woman has proposed. He could get embarrassed and say no for the wrong reasons. Make sure to get the tone right!

marry me, proposal pointers

Capture the moment

You don’t need us to tell you that proposals are a big deal. And, a woman doing the job is worth documenting. As such, it’s worth considering how to capture the moment.  

Again, the right choice depends on how extroverted he is. If he’s comfortable with people being around, hire a professional photographer to capture the big moment. If not, you may want to nominate a mutual friend to film from afar.

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Tackling the ring issue

There is one major issue which still needs addressing; what do you do about rings? Traditionally, only the woman wears an engagement ring. But, as you’re the one doing the proposing, that wouldn’t seem quite right.

It’s up to you how you get around this. You could buy rings for both of, or only him. Or, you could buy him something else, like a necklace with a ring attached. It’s all down to what works for you.

Proposal Pointers For The Ladies

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