Repairing Damaged Hair: What You Need to Know

dry hair
Photo by Ismail Hadine on Unsplash

Dry, brittle and damaged hair is not a cute look. We all want to look out best and taking care of our hair is an important step in your health and beauty routine. If your hair is seriously damaged, it may feel like you’ll never get it looking full and shiny again, but don’t despair. There are a few things you can do to save your locks and return them to their natural shine and volume. There are plenty of fried hair solutions for split ends and heat damage. Here’s everything you need to know about repairing your hair.

What Causes Damage?

There are many different contributors to damaged hair and some that you may not even realise. Dying your hair can cause damage, especially if using bleach in the colouring process because the chemicals are harsh and can cause breakage and dehydrate your scalp, follicles and hair. Using heat on your hair in the form of blow-drying, curling and straightening can also cause breakage. Over-washing and over-brushing your hair are two unsuspecting culprits of your broken and damaged hair. Over-brushing can weaken your strands and cause breakage, while over-washing can strip your scalp of its natural oils and cause serious dehydration, making your hair brittle, dry and dull-looking.

Can It Be Fixed?

Reversing damaged hair back to its natural form is no easy task, but there are a few things you can do to improve the situation. First of all, adding moisture back into your hair will help to rehydrate it and bring back that shiny look. Look for hydrating ingredients in your shampoos and conditioners, such as argan oil, avocado oil or almond oil. You can even use natural ingredients at home as a hair mask – coconut oil is a great option in this case since it’s affordable and easily accessible. You can also start incorporating more protein-heavy products into your hair care routine to aid in the repair process. One more way that you can increase the oils in your hair is by washing it less often.

Taking a look at your diet can also improve your hair quality. The nutrients we put into our body will have a direct effect on what our body puts back out. Eating a balanced diet that is high in protein, healthy fats and helpful vitamins will send healthy signals to your hair and make the repair process that much easier. If you struggle with your vitamins, taking some supplements can be a great help for your hair, skin and nails. Consider supplementing iron and zinc, but be sure to talk to a health professional before making any decisions in this regard.

If you really want a full head of entirely undamaged hair, the best way to achieve this is to let it grow out naturally and refrain from colour treating it any further while also limiting heat damage. Letting your hair grow out and trimming it regularly will take a while, but eventually, you would have trimmed away all the damaged strands and you’ll be left with a healthy, undamaged head of hair to start fresh with.

How to Prevent It?

If you’ve reached that point of having healthy hair that you want to take good care of, it’s pretty easy to prevent further damage. Limit colour treatments and try to embrace your natural look as much as you can. If you really feel like you need a colour treatment, avoid box dyes since these are especially damaging, and see a professional instead.

The next thing you can do is keep following all the advice for repairing damage since these tips will help prevent it as well. Limit how often you heat treat your hair and invest in a good heat protecting product, and avoid over-brushing and over-washing your hair as well. Try out a good quality dry shampoo that can help you extend the amount of time you wait in between each wash.

Take care of your hair by using gentle and hydrating ingredients and products – hair masks are always helpful for a boost of moisture and protein! You can try some store-bought hair masks or make your own at home for a more affordable (and fun) option.

Finally, always remember to take care of your diet first. Feed your body with the important nutrients and vitamins it really needs, and the benefits will show up in your hair, as well as in your skin, nails, energy and even your mood.

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