Revamp Your Style In Time For Summer With These Tips

Winter is well and truly here, but it is the ideal time to start preparing your style ready for the summer months in the new year. Summer is great for fashion and to try new things for your style. The weather is warmer, the light is brighter, and we can all feel that much happier at that time of the year. However, it isn’t a quick turnaround when it comes to changing the way you look and improving your style. So if you are wanting to revamp your style, your outlook and the way you look in time for the social season of summer, and the chance to finally enjoy our time unlike how it has been this year, then this is the post for you. 

Below you will find tips on how to improve your style in different ways, while there is talk about the clothes you choose and how to curate outfits together, there are other aspects of yourself that can have a dramatic difference to your overall look and style. Let’s hope the tips below help you. 

summer style fashion
Image source: Pixabay

Take some pride in your smile

Smile and the whole world smiles with you, right? However, many of us don’t smile enough and that isn’t because we don’t want to and more to do with how our smile looks. Which ultimately has a lot to do with our teeth. So why not take the time to put some focus on your dental hygiene. This is the ideal time to start thinking about it because making cosmetic changes to your teeth and smile will take a bit of time. Maybe invest in some teeth whitening, whether done at home or at the dentist and just embrace the smile more. If you have other issues with your teeth such as needing to fill in gaps or wanting to straighten your teeth then get booked in and assessed. It can really make you feel and look far better. If it bothers you this much don’t delay and do something about it. It could give you the confidence to boost your need. 

Revamp your skincare routine

Your skin is going to be on show a lot more in summer, as you may tend to wear less makeup and wear cooler clothes. So you may want to use the time you have now to really revamp your skincare routine. Focusing on your cleansing and moisturizing, and don’t forget to place some focus on the rest of your body and not just the skin on your face. In the winter months, we can be guilty of covering up our bodies and this is why our skin can get affected. Don’t fall into that trap this time, especially if you are wanting to have great skin for the summer. Spend time to exfoliate, ensure that you defuzz regularly and keep yourself moisturized. The fall and Winter is the perfect time to create a routine that you can stick to. It can help you to feel at your best and also tackle the harsh elements where our skin can be affected by the bad winter weather.    

Change your hair

You can get a little guilty of being stuck in a rut when it comes to your hairstyle and even your hair color, so you may want to use the season’s change as a huge chance of trying something different. Cutting it shorter maybe, trying out a balayage color perhaps, or even going for something different entirely like adding hair extensions. The options are endless and summer is the ideal time to really be adventurous with things like your hair. 

If you are stuck for ideas, it might be worth looking online for some inspiration. Instagram and Pinterest are great places to go to find new styles or hair colours to try. Again, there is no need to wait for the summer, you can start experimenting right now. It might be that you want to grow your hair, so starting now will help you get those long luscious locks you want in the summer months ahead. 

Invest in your wardrobe choices

Your wardrobe is bound to change as the weather warms up, but rather than going a little crazy on the high street, why not try a different approach when it comes to your spring and summer wardrobe? You may be familiar with high-street clothing retailers, but there are even more options online to browse for your ideal summer style, like garments from Ten10 Apparel. You could even try investing in a capsule wardrobe. This is where you have key pieces that can easily be mixed and matched together to create different outfits. When shopping online it’s easier to view your items side by side to see which items compliment each other. A capsule wardrobe is a great way to really be versatile with your style and shopping online at a boutique or looking for alternative places to find new clothes can be part of the fun. You will want a selection of different styles that will also work well in terms of colours, textures and patterns. Experiment and have fun with it. 

On another note, you may be digging out the summer clothes and looking at what you already have. This is the perfect opportunity to declutter your wardrobe. Keep the things that you want, that you love and that also fit and ditch the rest. It can make a big difference in how you feel and could also highlight some options that you may not have considered before. 

Focus on your mindset 

Finally, sometimes how you look is all in the mind. If you feel confident then you can ooze that in your exterior and rock whatever look you have gone for. So take some time to really focus on your mindset and positive thinking thought process. It can be harmful to you to be negative about yourself. A rule of thumb would be to decide whether you would be as harsh to someone else as you are on yourself. Be kind. Your mind is a powerful tool, and often how we think can impact our choices, not just in our style and clothes but other aspects of our lives. Take the time to focus on positivity and gratitude, you will find that you start to feel better within yourself. 

Let’s hope these tips help you revamp your style for summer.

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