7 Simple Beauty Fixes To See You Through Summer

When you love beauty; trying new treatments, looking and feeling good there’s always a buzz in the air as soon as summer comes around. Of course, we all love the warmer months, longer days and lighter nights but when it comes to beauty, summer offers us something else entirely. We get to shake up our hairstyles, go breezy with the makeup, and have fabulous treatments that make our beauty routines even easier.

If you’re wondering what treatments you should be trying to get yourself summer beauty ready, or what steps you should take to feel your more beautiful self, here are seven that you do not want to miss.

1. Hydrating Facial

The first thing that you’re going to want to do is to focus on your skin. You may not notice it at first, but as soon as the weather warms up, we all get just that little bit more dehydrated in life. So not only do you have to drink more water during the summer months to keep your body happy and healthy, you have to pay a little more attention to your skin. Keeping up with your moisturizing routine is always good, but you might want to go that little bit further and apply a homemade hydrating face mask every week, just to make sure your skin is getting the care it needs.

2. Waxing

Even if you manage to go every single winter without shaving your legs (lucky you!), come summer, it’s one of those every other daily chore, or sometimes daily) that we all hate. But, if you have super fast growing hair or dark hair, you might want to rethink that daily shower situation and opt for monthly waxes instead. If you get the right therapist, you’re going to walk away with super smooth legs and baby-soft skin.

3. Exfoliating

One way to help with that hair situation is to make sure that you exfoliate. It may not be something that you prioritize, at least when it comes to your body anyway, but during the summer months, it can be a beauty savior. When you exfoliate your body, you get rid of dead skin cells that can make your skin look dry and dull. You’re also ensuring that your wax lasts that little bit longer and the same goes for your tan – natural or otherwise. So, whether you choose to exfoliate with or without a scrub, you’re going to want to do this once or twice a week so benefits from healthy skin.

4. Hair Cut

Then there’s that all-important summer trim to think about. After winter, we can often be left with dry, dull looking locks. To make sure that they shine in time for winter, you’re not only going to want to up your conditioning and treatment game; you need to get all those dead and dry ends snipped off. Whether you opt for that simple trim or a complete restyle, you’ll feel like an entirely different person by the time you step out of the salon this summer.

5. Teeth Whitening

We all want a smile that we’re proud of. As a teen, if you went through that awkward, painful stage of wearing braces, you didn’t just do that to let your teeth go as you grow. Oh no. Especially if you’ve had braces regularly. Instead, you’re going to want to make sure that you not only keep on top of your oral health but that your teeth shine nice and white too. Whether you opt for professional whitening or use the incredible invention of charcoal toothpaste to get your smile up to scratch, summer is the perfect time to do it.

6. Spray Tan

When the weather warms up, and we all start to wear lighter layers and shorter lengths, we all want a nice tan to show off. You might not be hitting the beach anytime soon, but there are no reasons that you can’t look like you have. So, head to the salon and book in for a spray tan. That way, when you are wearing shorts and shorter tops, you’ll feel beach ready already.

7. Micro-blading

Isn’t it the dream to have flawless makeup all day, every day? If only we could wake up with a full face and get on with our day, it would save us a lot of time, right? Well, there is a kinda way that you can. Semi-permanent makeup solutions, like micro-blading, give you beautiful eyebrows from the second you wake up. So if you want to go on vacation completely makeup free and still feel good, micro-blading is the answer.

Have fun with your summer beauty fixes.

7 Simple Beauty Fixes to see you through Summer



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  • Oliyah Joseph

    August 22, 2017 at 7:57 pm

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