When it comes to raising money at work, fancy dress days are always a lot of fun. But sometimes, your office will pick out crazy costumes that you just don’t want to get involved with. So, it’s often a good idea to suggest your own. And a winning choice will always be a wear your pajamas to work day! Why? Because you get to stay comfortable all day, of course!
1. A Cute Character Two-Set
First of all, if you love different characters, then why not find yourself a pajama set that has your favorite Disney character on it? Maybe cute bears or stars could work too? Rock these with a cozy pair of high quality work boots and carry a blanky to really set off the look.
2. A Sweet Styled Set
Next, you might want to think about how you can look glamorous, and not necessarily cute. When this is the case, you’ll definitely want to think about opting for more of a satin set look or even loungewear? Go all out with sandal style slippers and a sassy robe if you want to really style the look out too.
3. A Wild Onesie
Or finally, you could think about going with a onesie too. Choose a character that you love, like those in the infographic below, and lounge all day is a comfortable one-piece suit. If comfort is your main concern, then this is definitely the route to go down. And if you love the idea of dressing crazy, a wild character can be fun!
Infographic Design By Onesies | animalsluxury.com