
  • How to Keep Your Kids Active at Weekends

    After a long week of school activities, your kids need time to relax and refresh. Weekends are not only meant for them to do their homework, but they can also participate in other activities that keep them active. As a parent, you must ensure that your kids stay active during weekends. Aiding your child to be active has more benefits,… Read More

  • Tips and Tricks for Acing the ACT

    If you’re preparing for college, you’ve probably heard of the ACT and SAT exams. While both are standardized tests that universities and colleges use when making admission decisions and awarding merit-based scholarships, they have some key differences. Though colleges don’t generally prefer one test over the other, students are increasingly starting to take the ACTs as an alternative to the… Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Paying Off Student Loans Faster

    If you feel buried under student loans, you’re not alone. In the U.S. alone there are around 44 million individuals dealing with crushing student loan debt. In fact, the average amount of debt for students in the class of 2016 is $37,172. So, you aren’t alone if you’re being dragged down by student debt. You also aren’t trapped without options.… Read More

  • Why you should Learn a New Language

    If you travel or live in a country different from your birth country more likely you will come across people that speak a different language from you. Learning a different language can become overwhelming but you would like to interact with each other and break the language barrier. What is preventing you from learning a different language? Learning the basics… Read More

  • What you need to know about Massage Therapy School

    Thinking about pursuing a career in massage therapy? You are in luck because a massage therapist career is one of the most exciting and rewarding ones you will encounter. As a holistic health care provider, your main duties will involve helping your clients with stress, anxiety, pain and a host of other conditions. Now that you have made the decision… Read More

  • Changing Your Life for the Better – Getting That College Degree

    Going to college means slowly entering adulthood. That part of your life will start sooner or later, so you might as well be prepared for it. Investing in higher education opens up a whole new dimension, offering an important insight into the world you didn’t know existed. Things like hard work, experience, and intellectual pursuit are crucial elements of being… Read More

  • Influenster UniVoxBox

    I was excited when I was chosen to receive the UniVoxBox. The Univoxbox comprises of 6 products and I am loving each and every of the product that came along with it. This is my second VoxBox and I do hope to get more. This UniVoxBox is for college students, so I was qualified to receive it since I’m still… Read More

December 2024