self love

  • Boost Your Self-Confidence: 6 Cosmetic Surgery Procedures to Consider

    Self-confidence plays a significant role in how we navigate the world and interact with others. For many individuals living in Indianapolis and other parts of the world, feeling confident in their appearance is an essential component of their self-esteem. Cosmetic surgery procedures offer a path to enhancing one’s physical attributes, helping people achieve the level of confidence they desire. In… Read More

  • How To Regain Confidence and Pursue Better Self-Care When You Age

    When we age, we sometimes lack care and love for our bodies. This shouldn’t happen as we should learn to have more respect and love for the power and abilities that our bodies give us.  If you are over 40 years old and find yourself lacking confidence and self-care, you have come to the right place. Here are some things… Read More

  • 8 Ways That You Can Begin Treating Yourself Better

    The definition of “self-love” is to treat yourself better, which includes your own wellbeing and happiness. Well-being includes taking care of your mind, body, and spirit as these are things that vastly contribute to our overall health. Self-care is also about making yourself happy, doing things that make you fulfilled and putting a smile on your face.  Is self-love selfish?… Read More

  • 8 Low-Key Things that You Can Do for Self-Care

    In the era of self-care, there are now tons of amazing activities that you can do to boost your emotional and psychological well-being. However, it tends to seem like the most popular tricks involve more complicated and grander schemes. There are actually tons of small things that you can do as a means of self-care. When you don’t have the… Read More

  • It’s About Time You Invested In Your Self-Worth

    If there’s one thing in life that can hold you back more than anything else, it’s you and how you feel about yourself. What you think you can do, what you think you will fail at, are both thoughts that you have on a daily basis whenever you consider doing anything, and if you don’t have a lot of confidence… Read More

  • Five Ways to Improve Your Self Care

    Taking time to yourself has never been so important. Over the last year, the world has been hectic. There have been restrictions and rules, dictating areas of life no one ever imagines would be out of their control: who you can see, what you can do, where you can go. For a lot of people, even their homes were not… Read More

  • 4 Tips To Help You Build A Positive Body Image

    Everyone craves intimacy – a unique deep connection you have with another individual to feel appreciated and loved. But, do you feel this way about yourself? How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Or when your friend posts that photo of you on social media? Poor body image is a growing challenge, especially today where popular culture… Read More

  • Self-Care In The New Normal- Simple Ideas You Can Embrace

    Whether you are a wellness enthusiast or take things as they come, self-care will probably mean more than eating right and exercising now. The pandemic has changed the perspective of wellness as the focus is on holistic well-being now. You need to embrace a new mindset and healing therapies that strengthen your body and mind because each matters as much… Read More

  • Self Care: The 4 Tips to Taking Better Care of Yourself

    Our mind and soul need just as much nourishment as our body does. Just as if you start to neglect your body, when you neglect your overall self, you start getting ill in other ways besides just physically. This is usually due to a lack of self care. These days, there is a cultural phenomenon that dictates that if you… Read More

  • The Importance of Self Care in Relationships

    We have all heard of the importance of self care – so why is it such a big deal right now, and how can it help our relationships? One reason is that it can help a lot with our emotional, physical and mental health – and allows us to address our immediate needs. This can be tough – especially if… Read More

  • Masculinity Is Not a Crime

    Toxic masculinity, male privilege, mansplaining, manspreading — masculinity is under attack, and you better defend yourself. Now, that doesn’t mean just going online and buying men’s cowboy boots and the most prominent belt buckle that you can find (although being proud of your masculinity certainly helps); you need to be aware of what’s happening and firmly stand your ground. Read More

March 2025