self love

  • Is Finding ‘A New Lease On Life’ Even Possible?

    Before we even start with the preamble, let us answer the question we have already posed. Yes. Finding a new lease on life is absolutely possible. People find one all the time. People, shackled to their routines and negative habits, maybe even addictions, push through to the other side and become interested in living their best life again. People who… Read More

  • What are the Characteristics of an Ideal Mental Health Therapist

    Being a Mental Health Therapist there are certain characteristics that must be portrayed; especially if the therapist want to be effective in their job. This allows you to work with a diverse group of people from different background and culture. It is important that the therapist learn how to interact with each patient to the best of their ability. Getting… Read More

  • How to Be Just that Little Bit Happier

    Most people think that if someone is ambitious, they’re spending their lives in a state of permanent dissatisfaction and angst, always chasing the next deal, the next promotion, the next new friend or even a new house. To be happier, many people think, involves blunting those ambitions and goals so that they can be happy being ordinary. It doesn’t have… Read More

  • Take Responsibility For Your Relationship Failures

    How many relationships can you look back on that you had throughout your life and deem the reason for the ending to be your fault? It could rip open old wounds by doing so but you when you’re not having success in the dating world; you need to look inside yourself. Maybe it isn’t everyone else, maybe there is something… Read More

  • Amazing Tips To Boost Your Self-Confidence

    We can all be hit with low self-confidence. It can happen to us at any point in our lives. Sometimes the low self-confidence can stay with us for some time. Mostly this might be after the event that caused you to feel so low. Other times bouts of low self-confidence can be much easier to overcome. It all depends on… Read More

  • Give Your Life A Makeover

    Self-love is a concept which many of us have heard of, but don’t really know how to approach. Increasing our sense of worth and boosting confidence can be a long and rocky road; however, if you do manage to make it through, you’ll feel so much better when you reach the other side. We need to learn how to overhaul… Read More

  • 4 Things You Can Do If You Miss Your Ex

    Breakups are hard but even harder is trying to let go after a breakup. That’s why after a breakup, you will find yourself all sulky, and sad, and when someone asks you what the problem is, you will find yourself blubbing something like, I miss my ex. You don’t feel this way because you are weak or obsessive, missing your… Read More

  • The Psychology Behind Looking Good To Feel Good

    When you look good, you feel good. It’s an age old expression that many of us live by. Putting some effort into our appearance can help us to have a more positive outlook on life feel better about ourselves. That improved attitude is a brilliant way to achieve your goals in life, but how exactly does it work? What is… Read More

  • Questions Relationship – Perhaps You Should Listen

    In case you have someone, say a friend who questions relationship that you’re in; do yourself a big favor and listen. Most of the time your own mother, or perhaps the sister, or even best friend will discover warning signs that you already know exist, and you just deny it. No one should subject themselves to a bad relationship; life… Read More

  • Know How Much You Are Worth And Embrace It

    The topic of self-esteem has been getting quite a bit of traction over recent days, weeks, months and years, and for good reason too. Instagram filters, photoshopping and retouched photographs are all catering to this culture where we try and constantly reach the unrealistic standards of beauty set by magazines, social media, and films. It is part of the reason… Read More

  • The Culture Of Clicks: Pictures As A Social Tool

    In the past 10 years, people have developed a new habit. You see something interesting; you take your phone out and click; you take a picture. Surprisingly enough, we’ve never taken many pictures as today. But what is even more surprising is that pictures have developed a meaning of their own. They have become a tool of social recognition: Without… Read More

March 2025