
  • 5 Ways to Combat Hair Wash Day

    When it comes on to hair wash day it can be considered as being time-consuming. As it takes ample time to detangle and cleanse the natural hair from product buildup, flakes and more that accumulates on the hair shaft and scalp. Other times we become this lazy natural and just wanna get past wash day. Here are some methods listed… Read More

  • 5 Things To Do With Natural Hair Products You Don’t Like

    When it comes to shopping for our natural hair it becomes a means of trial and error. We buy products, we try them and later to find out that our hair does not like that specific product. It shows when our hairstyle did not turn out as expected, too much product build-up, white flakes, etc. You name it!!!. This is… Read More

  • Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter Moisturizer Review

    Have you ever seen a moisturizer that smells so good you might end up eating the product? The ingredients stated in the name ‘olive oil and ‘mango butter’. I first used the Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter Moisturizer during my transitioning stage, it was the perfect product for sealing moisture into my dry, brittle, coarse hair. This product… Read More

  • Natural Hair Feature: Simply Claudie J

    Tell me about you, a short bio My name is Claudia, I’m 23 years old from Denver Colorado.  I work as an assistant ECE teacher and I also have a YouTube channel (Simply Claudie J) that focuses on natural hair, beauty, and topic videos. I have my bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice. In my free… Read More

  • To Transition or Big Chop to Natural Hair

    Getting tired of that relaxer? Then I guess you are thinking of growing back your hair to the natural state. The big question is should I go through the process of transitioning or just take the risk and do the ‘big chop’ (start fresh). First, let me define and explain the differences of transitioning and big chop for you. Read More

  • Natural Hair Product Junkie Problems

    If you are a Naturalista or you just began the transitioning stage then you should know one problem that we normally come across is finding the right product for our hair type and buying a bunch of products that do no good for our hair types. Instead, we get tons of flakes, build-ups, not much of the desired style and… Read More

March 2025