
  • The 360 Lace Front Wig: The What, How & Why you Should Invest in One

    Wig technology has come a very long way since the heavy, synthetic wigs of our Mom’s and Grandmom’s. Back in the day, unfortunately, our only options for switching up our hairdo were those “everyone-can-tell-it’s-a-wig” but today, it’s possible to wear a completely different hairstyle every day of the week, and it looks like it’s growing out your scalp! You’re probably… Read More

  • Where The H*** Has My Hair Gone?!

    OK, so hair loss is a bit of a sensitive issue. It can be embarrassing and really affect our self-esteem. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not the end of the world. There are things that can be done about it. So even if you do find yourself looking in the mirror and saying: “Where the h*** has… Read More

  • Wigs Make Hair Styling Much Easier

    I love admiring the different styles, quick and easy application of wearing a wig. There is not much to do than pin the wig to the hair and your day is off to a good start. Wigs are versatile; it allows you to change your hairstyle in a matter of minutes and it comes in handy on any and every given occasion. I… Read More

  • Smart Life Upgrades To Look Great, Feel Great & Be Great

    In modern life, it’s very easy to get distracted from the things that truly matter. But there’s never been a better time to take greater control of your life, and it can be achieved with just a few simple lifestyle upgrades. Those alterations could be the key to unlocking the brighter future that you deserve. Here are some of the… Read More

March 2025