The 7 Healthiest Berries to Add to Your Diet

Berries are in various colors from red, purple, and blue. Some are sweet, and others sour. In most instances, you can use them in desserts, jams, and preserves. Besides, they are high in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. Also, they have a good nutritional profile. Therefore, it is best to add berries to your diet to help reduce and prevent any symptoms of various diseases. Today, there is ease and accessibility to food and fruits around the world. Thus, it is easy to enjoy berries that do not grow in your locality and are from different parts of the world. In this article are 7 berries to add to your diet. 



One of the berries that people add to various diets in the world is strawberries. It is a great source of vitamin C. Other nutrients that it contains are fiber, calories, and manganese. When you eat strawberries it is a good fruit for your heart health. Therefore, when you add a serving of strawberries to your diet every week. You will be able to reduce the number of risk factors for most heart illnesses. Such as oxidative stress, blood cholesterol, and triglycerides. Additionally, strawberries help to reduce inflammation as they help to lower inflammatory chemicals that are in the blood. Also, it helps to prevent diabetes as they help to control blood sugar levels. 


When you have a mulberry tree, it produces sweet and multiple berries as they grow in clusters. They are a type of wild berries and are dark purple. However, some species can be white and red. Not only are they sweet, but they are also juicy. Besides, you can enjoy them in pies fresh, in herbal teas, and cordials. They are full of vitamins C, decent amounts of B vitamins, potassium, among others. When you eat a portion of 140 grams, the mulberries will give you about 15%of the iron you need in your body daily. The iron is important for blood cell production, growth, development, and other processes of the body. It is also an antioxidant, as it is full of anthocyanin that are plant pigments full of antioxidants. 



These berries are popular because they are a great source of vitamin K. Vitamin K is vital as it helps to make various proteins that are needed for blood clotting and the building of bones. For this reason, those who are not consuming enough of the right fruits and vegetables may wish to consider taking a vitamin k supplement to boost their daily intake. Just like other berries, blueberries have a great nutritional profile in that they have Vitamin C, vitamin K, Fiber, and Manganese. In addition, similarly to mulberries, it has anthocyanin which is a great antioxidant. Through this, they help to lower the risk of heart attack, as it helps to reduce oxidative stress. Additionally, they also help to reduce the risk of diabetes. This is because they have bioactive compounds that help to improve insulin sensitivity. Studies show that individuals who eat blueberries have a slow rate of cognitive decline. Meaning their brains remain healthier as they age. 


Even with their sour taste, cranberries are a healthy fruit to add to your diet. Only a few people love them raw, and they consume them as juice. It also has a good amount of vitamin C, Fiber, and Manganese. Since it also has antioxidants like other berries, but its antioxidants are present on the skin of cranberries, and it does not have a lot of polyphenols. Importantly, most people love consuming cranberry juice as they can lower the risk of urinary tract infections. Other infections that it helps reduce are the H .Pylori that is a type of bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. It is beneficial too to the heart as it helps to reduce oxidative stress, blood pressure, and cholesterol, among others. 

Goji berries

Goji berries 

Also known as wolfberries, they are found in China, and they use them as traditional medicine. Although now they are growing in popularity in the western world. It has Vitamin C, vitamin A, Fiber, and iron, among its many nutrients. Due to the high levels of vitamin A that it has, it is vital for good eye health. Like other berries, goji berries have antioxidant polyphenols. In a study done by people who took goji juice for a fortnight, it was helpful to reduce the waist size of overweight people and to increase their metabolism. 


This is yet another popular berry that you can consume as a juice, raw fruit, vinegar, raisins, or wine. It has vitamin K and vitamin C as well. Adding grapes to your diet helps to provide you with antioxidants polyphenols that are present in the seeds and skin. They help to lower both heart rate and blood pressure. If grapes are a consistent part of your diet, they help to reduce oxidative stress and blood cholesterol. The benefits it has for brain health significantly improve memory performance.  

Acai berries

Acai berries 

Like mulberries, the acai berries grow on palm trees. Due to their high antioxidant content, they are popular as health food supplements. They are also a good source of antioxidants, and its antioxidant level is ten times more than that in blueberries. People consume it in various ways, as pulp or juice, and in this way, it helps to reduce chemicals that are involved in oxidative stress and increase blood antioxidant levels. However, when you eat them dry, they affect the nutritional content. Yet, when you take it as a pulp, you get the nutrients as it helps reduce blood cholesterol and insulin levels, especially in overweight adults. Add this to your diet to gain its various benefits.  To sum up, when you add berries to your diet, you have added some of the healthiest foods in the world. They are high in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber but low in calories. They are a great addition to an everyday diet. So, with the above examples of berries that you can add to your diet. Try adding a few portions of various berries every week to sample most of them and others too. Such as bilberries and raspberries that are not in the list above but are great as well. Incorporate them as a breakfast topping and a great snack as well.  

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