The Most Popular Cosmetic Procedures of 2022

The surge of cosmetic procedures based on the latest physical aesthetic trends has a real influence on the general population. These days, it is not a far-fetched idea to not attain the beauty you wish for, given the advancements in cosmetology and medical science. Be it minor improvements to fade away signs of aging or making major reconstructions in physical features, anything is achievable! However, there isn’t a lot that people know about the most-demanded procedures in the upcoming year. This blog will discuss the top cosmetic procedures that the masses are leaning towards in 2022! If you want to know more about how these can help enhance your appearance, stay tuned!


The nose is a feature that can’t go unnoticed, being placed right at the center of our face. While few are blessed with the perfect structure for their face type, many wish to have a nose that looks more flattering. It could be that someone has a lack of elevation on the bridge of the nose, or needs the elevation bump to be smoothened. There are many ways to perform rhinoplasty and all of them can give you amazing results once they heal. If you’re planning to add implants to the nose, rhinoplasty by Dr. Mike Majmundar can assist you in achieving the perfect structural aesthetic you have in mind.


Dimples are the result of a fetal deformity but are perhaps the most intriguing and charming facial features. People who have dimples on their cheeks or chin look very attractive and have an X-factor that others covet. For the same reasons, dimpleplasty has become a highly sought-after procedure by millennials. Dimpleplasty includes cutting a tiny incision inside the mouth that can pull out a minor muscle and create the desired depth of a dimple indentation. The process is painless and can be discussed with your plastic surgeon regarding the placement and angle, which makes dimpleplasty highly personalized.

Double eyelid surgery

This surgery is probably one of the most hyped in Asian countries where Mongoloid features consist of mono-lids. An incision is made on the eyelids to give the desired crease that South Asians and people of other demographics possess. Double eyelid surgery also gives more definition to the eyes and is considered very attractive among East Asians. In South Korea, people as young as 16 years of age undergo this procedure.

Brow and facial lifts

The year 2022 will carry the trend of having a lifted face where the eyebrows, cheeks, and other facial features have a lifted look. Facelift surgeries can be used to slim down the face and give a more youthful appearance, which is why it is becoming popular among people in their 30s and above.

Wrapping Up

Cosmetic surgeries keep changing based on technology and its sophistication. Apart from these five, there are numerous more procedures such as fillers, needlework, and lasers that are going to see an upsurge in demand. We hope that this blog helped you understand these cosmetic trends better!

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March 2025