The Perfect Fit: Shoe Style & Stumbles

shoes, style, fashion

Wearing a pair of shoes that are a poor fit – is there any feeling more irritating in the world?

Of course, there probably are more severe problems to consider. But in the moment, as your shoes chafe against your skin and you can feel the blisters beginning to pop up, it feels like the end of the world. The most aggravating part of it is that any shoe can do this to you. It could be the new pair that you thought you wore in, but clearly didn’t quite manage. Or it could be an old, trusty pair that you were sure would treat you right, that has now gone over to the dark side and decided to wreck your day.There is, seemingly, no way to avoid an ill-fitting shoe situation.

As demonstrates, there’s plenty of different kinds of shoes in the world – and every one of them has the potential to cause pain and suffering. There’s no ‘safe’ pair of shoes; you can find comfortable stilettos but then try a pair of running shoes that feel like torture.

So given the widespread issue of shoes that don’t fit and the problems they cause, what can you do about it? Surrender your comfort for the sake of style and achieving a flawless look? Change your feet? Or – perhaps wisest of all – pick up a few hacks to get the perfect fit every time?

Wearing Them In – Properly

You’re keen to wear your new pair of shoes. You wear them around the house for awhile and figure it’s fine. They’re done. They’re ready for their debut.

They’re not.

Wearing shoes in is one of the most vital components to getting a fit that works for you. Wear them indoors for at least two days. Their first outing into the real world should be short and take a safe pair of shoes along with you in case you need to change.

Adapt Your Way To Success 

There are a few adaptations the average shoe can go through to make it fit better. Everyone has experienced that one pair of shoes where your normal size is a touch too big, but the size down is too small. It’s better to try and modify the too-large pair than make a smaller pair stretch.

Heel guards, for example, are hidden from view but can improve a fit that’s just a smidge too tight.

Gel insoles – which lie directly beneath the ball of the foot – can make high heels far more bearable.

If you’re really struggling with the fit, then full insoles could be the best answer.

Guard Your Skin 

If you’re going to be on your feet for any length of time, then protect your skin beforehand. Use blister shields before you get blisters; prevention is almost always better than the cure.

There’s also a hack, as mentioned on, to try. If you’re wearing your shoes with bare feet, some women swear by a light layer of deodorant applied to their soles. This helps with grip if your feet are prone to sweating, thus reducing the risk of friction that could cause sores and blisters. It’s worth a try, at least!

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