6 Tips for Slowing the Skin’s Aging Process

Your skin is bound to age, and while you can do little to stop the process, there is a lot you can do to slow it down. Incorporating anti-aging lifestyle habits in your daily routine, dropping habits that are harmful to your skin, and adopting some skincare routines can slow the pace of aging.

If you are aging prematurely and want to slow the aging process, there are some helpful tips to consider. Lucky for you, we have highlighted them below.

1. Wear Sunscreen

The sun is the number one enemy of your skin. Regular sun exposure can transform your skin from soft and fresh to rough and old. It can result in the appearance of wrinkles, liver or age spots, fine lines, etc.

To protect your skin from the sun, and slow the aging process, ensure you wear sunscreen daily. It doesn’t matter if you are in the pool having fun or going to work; having sunscreen on will reduce the signs of aging.

So what sunscreen should you use?

Dermatologists recommend using sunscreen with a minimum of SPF of 30 as an essential part of your anti-aging arsenal. Many facial moisturizers boast sunscreen and can be applied before wearing your makeup.

2. Quit Smoking

Smokers are liable to die young. They are also liable to age faster than those who don’t smoke. Smoking contributes significantly to premature aging. In fact, chronic smokers develop more wrinkles, fine lines and falling skin around the eyes, and a dull or sallow complexion.  

The main ingredient of cigarettes—tobacco—narrows the blood vessels in your skin, blocking the passage of oxygen and other significant nutrients from getting to your skin. The pursing of the lips and squinting from the smoke result in the appearance of more facial wrinkles.

3. Consider Cosmetic Surgery

Exercising, dieting, and applying moisturizer to your skin can slow down the aging process. However, these methods won’t do the job quickly. If you want something that produces fast results, you’ll have to consider cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery like facelifts is effective in slowing the aging process. It involves the removal of excess skin, smoothing out folds or wrinkles, and firming facial tissues. Before considering a facelift procedure, the top facelift surgeon, Dr. Kimberly Lee, recommends asking for necessary details of the procedure to get the best results. Aside from slowing the signs of aging, a facelift can eliminate a double chin, reduce deep wrinkles, and get rid of jowls.

4. Eat Healthily

If you eat right, it’ll show on your skin. However, if you eat wrong, it’ll also show on your skin. Whatever you eat affects your skin appearance, including how it ages. As your skin undergoes self-repair and regeneration, it requires adequate nutrients to carry out its job.

Reduce your consumption of refined sugars, basic carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats like fried foods, baked goods, etc. Replace such foods with meals rich in antioxidants (like Vitamin C and E), including meals that contain Vitamin A and B and Vitamin biotin. Common anti-aging food foods for your skin are:

  • Spinach and leafy green vegetables
  • Tomatoes
  • Nuts
  • Fatty fish like salmon
  • Berries

5. Moisturize

Moisturizing is a must for anyone who loves their skin. This act doesn’t only help in reducing skin problems; it also helps make your skin appear more youthful.

That’s not all!

Moisturizers also boast of ingredients that can lessen the appearance of fine lines aggravated by dry skin. Plus, some of these skincare products come with extra water-capturing features, like hyaluronic acid or glycerin.

6. Exercise

The benefits of exercising go beyond building muscles. Exercising regularly can delay the aging process. When you exercise, your circulation increases and your immune system gets a boost. Increased blood flow via your body helps bring oxygen and nutrients to your skin and remove cellular waste products.

In addition to slowing the aging process, exercising can reduce stress, improving conditions that are bad for the skin (eczema and acne). Ensure you exercise weekly for more youthful skin.


Aging is a natural part of life. And while there is nothing you can do to stop or reverse the aging process, there are many things you can do to slow it down. We have highlighted some of the best tips above. Ensure you contact your dermatologist if you need professional assistance.

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