Tips For Men Who Are Going Bald

Here comes the most tormenting issue which has taken the majority of men for granted. From college to the office, adolescence to puberty everyone seems to be a victim of hair fall. Whom should we blame for this, have you ever wondered? The divine Mother Nature is getting ruined by our creations; with the numbers of automobiles, exponential increase in the number of factories, it is not easy to overcome pollution nowadays.  To strengthen the roots of our hair, we need to shave them sometimes. I would love to use a Foil Shaver to get that perfect shave. Let’s walk you through my observations and suggestions in this context, hope it helps!

bald head man men

Image source: Pexels

  • The first step towards baldness, opting out the basics

I remember the days when putting oil in our hair was a habit, no one ever shied of having an oily head in the school. Folks, this is the right time to return to the basics and start using the same technique. Your scalps and hair need an oil massage at least twice a week. You need not carry that oil to your workplace, school, or college. Wash them using the best herbal shampoo as they have always proven to be hair friendly. However, do not fall for fragrance while selecting shampoos, just go for a natural one.

  • Shave it off to make it dense

As kids, parents often ask us to get rid of the hair every summer. Do you know, this is the sole reason why we had the lustrous and thick hair on our heads in our childhood. If you haven’t done it from yesteryears, it’s high time to get them shaved. In case you are going to do it yourself, choose the best shaver as per your hair type. People with dense hair can go for Foil Shavers, but the Rotary one is trending nowadays. However, there is no real cup winner whether foil or rotary is better, in the end; it all boils down to personal preferences.

  • Increase intake of Vitamin C

Include more of citrus fruits such as Guava, Lemon, Papaya, Sweet Lime in your diet. They not only promote hair growth but also have a miraculous effect on your skin tone.

  • Exercise Daily and have a Sound sleep

A good sleep is a stepping stone to a great day. To ensure your physical and mental well being, make sure that you sleep for at least 6 hours in a day. Let that toxic fluid come out of your body via sweat, be it through cycling, jogging or yoga, do it in a disciplined way for a healthy hair and body. Reduce your stress level and say no to smoking, drinking for a better tomorrow. In case you require a dermatologist’s attention, do take a call. Do your homework before choosing/visiting any doctor in your vicinity.

Final Words

It’s your hair, make it look good for a confident you. In case you have dense hair, go for Foil Shavers be inquisitive about the brand, go for Philips, and do not trust the local ones. Consider the above tips, and you will surely find positive results.

Author Bio: Alex got hooked on head shaving tools due to his diffuse thinning at an early age. He loves comparing different products and educating his audience on what would work the best for them and their skin.

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  • Na Nguyen

    November 1, 2017 at 10:49 pm

    Thank you for the tips.

  • Eric Choi

    October 30, 2018 at 5:56 am

    Love to read this article. I am inspired by your work and got some great ideas. Thanks and keep sharing :)

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