Top Signs your Hair isn’t as Healthy as it should


Both men and women are concern about how healthy their hair is, but recognizing damaged hair seems to elude both sexes. If you’ve been wondering why a haircut does not restore your hair’s volume and radiance, chances that your hair is damaged are pretty high. Knowing the signs of damaged hair will set you on the path to restoring its rightful glory and radiance.

1. The texture has changed

When you run your fingers through your hair, it should feel smooth, but damaged hair feels a little bumpy. Most people run for a protein treatment, but if the damage is extensive, protein treatments will only fill the gap temporarily.

2. Your hair is breaking

This is the most obvious sign your hair is not healthy. Have you noticed large clumps of hair on your pillow, comb, or shower? In their research, the American Academy of Dermatology states that you typically lose fifty to one hundred strands a day. This number can go up to 250 strands on days you wash your hair. If your hair is falling out in clumps, it’s a sign something is wrong. If you are balding, however, getting a Scalp Micropigmentation will help you restore your hair.

3. Check your hair porosity

Hair porosity refers to how fast your hair can absorb and hold water. To test if your hair is healthy, take a glass of water and put three to five strands inside. Check how long it takes your hair to absorb the water and sink. If it sinks relatively fast, your hair is porous and healthy. Damaged hair loses natural moisture quickly because it lacks sebum, a vital ingredient in preventing moisture evaporation.

4. Test your hair elasticity

Naturally, wet hair is elastic. After washing your hair, take a strand and expand it gradually. It should stretch up to three times its regular length and shrink back to normal. Hair that stretched more than usual and breaks shows a lack of protein and vitamins. During this test, check whether your hair feels a little mushy, tangled, and limp. These are also signs of hair in need of protein.

5. You have split ends

The best time to check whether you have split ends is after a hair trim. Once you visit the salon, take a day or two then take a close look at your hair. Does it have split ends? If your answer is yes, your hair is damaged. Healthy hair takes a month or two before you notice new split ends. If they appear sooner than that, it’s a clear sign your hair is unhealthy.

Most people tend to rush for protein treatments when they notice something amiss with their hair. While this will solve the problem temporarily, the true health of your hair will come from within. This means improving your diet to incorporate foods that favor healthy hair. This can include Greek yogurt, sweet potatoes, almonds, spinach, salmon, eggs, liver, and many more. Healthy hair glows and has a natural shine that everyone admires.

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