My Transitioning Journey

transitioning, natural hairstyles

Rocking a ponytail hairstyle

I recently went from transitioning to relaxed after I transitioned for 2-3 years, now that I have my hair relaxed I am considering to start my transitioning journey back natural. I miss having my hair in a high puff, twist out etc. even though I enjoy playing around with my relaxed hair but not as much how I love the versatility of my natural hair.

Why did I start my Transitioning Journey

My main reason for considering to start transitioning is that I am not pleased with the way my hair is done when it is being relaxed and I experience a good amount of breakage and less hair growth.

I do have to style my hair on a regular basis, so I would buy several different styles of ponytails, wigs to pin onto my hair when I put it in one. I really do miss my high puffs and I wish to achieve it someday.

Twist out hairstyle, natural hair, transitioning

Twist out hairstyle

Last Relaxer

The last time I relaxed my hair was on the 6th of April and normally my hair would take about 6 weeks before I have a good amount of new growth, so I would say my transitioning journey started around the 9th of May. I am currently 13 weeks into my transitioning journey and so far I have only done one protective style. The first time that I transitioned my hair I had worn protective styles such as weave and braids but this time around I am giving my hair a break from weave and braids and wearing my regular ponytails and twist outs until I find someone that can style my hair as I desire.

Did you do the big chop?
How long did it take for your hair to transition fully?
What made you wanted to go back natural?

Share your tips with me in the comment box below.

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February 2025