Trees and Bushes that Produce Berries for Your Garden

If you do not yet have any trees in your garden, it is definitely worth considering planting one or two. With the help of a compost bag, you will have trees growing in no time. Trees help the environment, work to clean the air around your home and can even add value to your property.

When choosing which type to buy it makes sense to think about planting a tree that produces some sort of fruit. As you will see, when you read on, there are several varieties that produce lovely berries. Most of which you can eat. Here are a few possibilities for you to consider.

berry trees

Mulberry trees

I am going to start with one of the most common berry producing trees. If you see a tree with blackberries there is a good chance it is a mulberry.

These trees grow surprisingly fast, especially at first. But, once they reach around 30 feet their growth rate tends to slow a bit. Most mulberries reach heights of around 50 foot. That means that the fruit is difficult to pick. But, it is really worth doing so if you can. The berries look like elongated raspberries. They are really sweet and quite delicious. You can easily buy varieties of Mulberry that produce red or blackberries.

If you do not have the space for a large tree, take a look at the white mulberry instead. They are trees, but they only grow as big as a large bush. The berries they produce are extremely sweet, which makes them perfect for making jam.

European rowans

These trees are also known as mountain ashes. It is a mid-sized tree that produces tons of spectacular bright berries, which are very pretty. These berries are edible, but they are very bitter. However, that does not stop people from finding ways to use them. Some people love Rowan berry jelly which is made using apples. This takes the edge off of the bitterness and it is actually quite nice. You can use it in more or less the same way you would chutney. It is also possible to dry the berries, grind them and make a coffee substitute.

The Hackberry tree

The Western and Desert Hackberries both produce edible berries. They are quite dry, but very sweet. Potentially, you can eat the outer element of these berries for several months of the year.

Canada Buffaloberry

This tree grows to about 13 foot, which makes it ideal for a small garden. The fruit it produces is very strange being both sweet and bitter. So, you will likely have to mix it with other ingredients like the Native Americans do to make them palatable enough. They could, for example, be blended up with raspberries which are sweet enough to counter the bitterness.

Berry trees you need to be wary of

If you have children animals there are two berry producing trees that you need to be careful with. You may not want to take the risk of planting them.


As the name suggests the berries from this tree are used to produce detergent. But, you should not eat them.

Yew trees

The berries from the yew tree are very sweet, but they contain taxine, which makes them extremely toxic. People have died from eating these berries.

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  • Sarah

    December 12, 2018 at 11:33 am

    Interesting post! Where I live, black elderberry plants are common, and the berries have great health benefits! Sarah

  • lawn care

    December 13, 2018 at 11:35 pm

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