Trouble Getting to Sleep? Here are Some Natural Remedies

If it gets too bad, insomnia can affect more than just your daily life. In time, it can start to take its toll on your health. Extensive research has found that sleep deficiency can lower your immune system, lead to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression and even increase your risk of weight gain, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

In that case, you need to make sure that you start getting a good night’s rest but if, no matter how hard you try; you just can’t seem to drift off. Here are some natural remedies that have been proven to help.

The right vitamins and minerals

It has been found that certain supplements can be good for your sleep health. When taken together, magnesium and calcium are sleep boosters. Similarly, the hormone that causes sleep – Melatonin – can naturally induce you to get some shut-eye. Furthermore, other supplements like CBD and THC can also help to aid sleep and restful periods. These can be supplemented into your diet with an edible. These edible reviews should provide all of the information you need.

Green tea

Good news if you’re a green tea drinker. The amino acid L-theanine that’s found in natural green tea helps to both maintain alertness through the day and have a deep sleep at night. No matter how much green tea you drink; you couldn’t possibly consume enough L-theanine to boost your natural REM cycles but taking 50 – 200 milligrams of the amino acid in its pure form (Suntheanine) before bed should help.


Gentle yoga or some meditation before bed can help you to remove any overthinking that may be keeping you awake. Close your eyes and follow some deep breathing exercises try to focus on nothing else. Meditation has also been proven to reduce any feelings of stress or anxiety that are disrupting your sleeping patterns.

lavender. aromatherapy, plants, insomnia, sleep


Aromatherapy is defined as the use of plant extracts and essential oils for healing. When it comes to sleep; the scent of lavender has been proven to help, and it’s a completely natural solution to a common problem. Spray a natural sleep mist on your pillow every night before you hit the hay and you’re bound to see (and smell) the benefits.


If you struggle with sleep deprivation, you’ve probably already heard of valerian. It is one of the most common remedies for valerian, and there are plenty of studies that show how much it improves deep sleep. However, the same studies have found that it’s most effective when taken over long periods of time. If you’re looking for a quick solution; this one may not be for you.

Removing any bedtime distractions

It might seem like a good idea to watch your favourite show before bed, or take some time to scroll through your social media feeds but science tells us that this causes us to experience symptoms of insomnia. The blue light that’s generated by our electrical devices (TV, laptop, phone, etc.) can delay the onset of sleep so turn your TV off, put down your laptop and turn your phone on silent for at least 30 minutes before you want to sleep.

Cannabis Products

Another option to try and experiment with when you’re struggling to sleep is turning to cannabis products. Products that include CBD or THC are highly recommended to those struggling to sleep. Many people choose to consume products that only include CBD, as this doesn’t give you a “high” feeling. If the “high” is what you’re wanting to experience to help you sleep, however, websites like mmjexpress are great for purchasing these products online and giving them a try! 

Sleep tracker ǀTips for Insomnia ǀ Natural remedies ǀ Sleep products ǀ Sleep health ǀ Herbs ǀ Home remedies
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  • Emma

    March 2, 2018 at 11:17 pm

    For me, meditation was a game changer. Sometimes, I don't even need to meditate. I just set my phone to 5 minutes and close my […] Read MoreFor me, meditation was a game changer. Sometimes, I don't even need to meditate. I just set my phone to 5 minutes and close my eyes. Before that 5 minutes are up, I already start feeling sleepy. Read Less

  • Matt

    April 5, 2018 at 10:58 pm

    Great article! Just wanted to give my top 3 insomnia-busting tips! 1 - Meditate - as much or as little as you have time for. It helps […] Read MoreGreat article! Just wanted to give my top 3 insomnia-busting tips! 1 - Meditate - as much or as little as you have time for. It helps me too calm my mind before sleeping. 2 - Yoga & Cardio Exercise - I can't sleep without raising my heart rate for at least 30 mins per day. 3 - Avoid Social Media - You know it's true...haha! Living your life waiting for "likes" is the best way to increase stress and affect your sleep!!! Hope this helps some of your readers. Keep up the great work! Read Less

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