Unusual Depression Triggers You Should Be Aware Of

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) estimated that about 17.3 million adults in America had suffered at least one major depressive episode in 2017. Several factors cause depression, and it has numerous well-known triggers like brain disorders and excess stress. However, depression can also be caused by certain factors you least expect. Below are some of the most surprising depression triggers worth knowing about.

Social media

social media

You have likely heard that social media may gradually turn you into a sad narcissist. However, it is a mainstay of modern living, as you need these platforms to keep in touch with loved ones and stay updated on trends. However, studies have established a link between feeling depressed and spending a lot of time on Facebook. Facebook itself is likely not the direct cause of depression, but it exposes you to perfection in others’ lives that can trigger or worsen your depressive symptoms. Therefore, prioritize spending more time socializing and hanging out with friends instead of browsing social networks all the time. Also, when you jump on social media platforms, keep in mind that the happy pictures you see there reflect people’s happiest times, not their daily lives. 

Hair loss

Research into hair loss-related psychological problems is quite limited, but the evidence is clear nonetheless. Experts agree that the hair loss experience can be psychologically damaging for men and women alike, causing significant emotional suffering and potentially leading to social, personal, and work-related problems. Many people widely consider going bald a normal aspect of being a growing male, but it remains an untold cause of immense distress and anguish. Therefore, you can, indeed, develop depression, anxiety, and a negative self-image due to hair loss. There are numerous hair loss causes, ranging from age to genetics. Nevertheless, you can rely on several treatments to handle your hair loss irrespective of its cause, so keep this in mind.

Thyroid problems

You will likely experience symptoms of depression if you have an underactive thyroid. Many individuals are diagnosed with depression and given anti-depressants when thyroid medication could really help them. The thyroid secretes metabolism-regulating hormones that affect every bodily organ, including the brain. Consequently, if you are depressed and experiencing some common signs of thyroid disease like fatigue and weight course, visit your doctor to check your thyroid levels. 

Keeping up with the news


It seems like a good thing to watch your local news every morning to monitor the latest trends. However, experts agree that remaining informed can come at a costly price of being depressed. The news can make you depressed because many of the stories you see aren’t positive tales. You will likely see news stories of economic crises, plane crashes, wars, accidents, and other distressing topics. Therefore, spending too much time focusing on these negative happenings can alter your positive worldview and make your existence gloomier and more depressing. Consequently, try to balance your media consumption to get a balance of positive and negative stories instead of ditching your TV and newspaper

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